understand God's design for sexuality.

in #sc-v6 years ago

I am my beloved's, and he has his contentment with me (Song of Songs 7:10).

We are sexual beings! We have sexual genders and desires; We will probably live a large part of our lives in a sexual relationship with another person. Our approach to sex, and our attitude to our own sexuality, will determine our perspective of many other things.

So, from whom should we learn about sex? Of God! Unfortunately, for many Christians it is difficult to talk about sex. They act as if this is shameful. What's the score? Where do many young people-even Christians-get their information about sex? And where do they get their ideas and attitudes about sex? From his friends, television, magazines, etc.

But who creates those programs and materials? It is not usually the children of God, but people who do not have a true understanding of sexuality, nor a pure point of view.

The Right Guide

Is there a book worthy of trust that can show us how we should think about sexuality? Yes, the Bible. Have you ever been in a Bible class or a group of Christian women in which the book of Songs has been studied? The Song of Solomon is a guide from God for love, courtship and marriage - including sex in marriage.

Some people say that Song is a metaphor for Christ and the church, but there is nothing in the book that indicates this. Songs is a message that teaches us the way in which love should be. It teaches us how to preserve the purity of love. It shows the beauty and blessings of love and sex in marriage. It's a beautiful story-a romantic love story! We will consider the book of Songs later, but in this lesson we will discuss the reasons why God designed us as sexual beings, and the importance of understanding the purpose of sex.

Every day we have the task of distinguishing what is good or bad. We must decide how to dress, how to talk, and even how to move our bodies! We choose who to spend time with, and we choose where to go. Do you know that our approach to sex affects many of those things? In fact, a confusing approach to sex will hurt our perspective on many other things.

If we misunderstand the purposes of sex, almost our entire life will be in danger! We will live in a way that will destroy our happiness; we will destroy our dignity and the respect of others towards us; and of course, we will damage our relationship with God. Therefore, if you want God to look at you from heaven and think, "She is my daughter, I am very happy with your life!", You must make sure you understand God's design for sexuality.

The Design of God Then, what is the purpose of sex? Is there more than one? Of course; Sex produces babies and guarantees the survival of humanity! God could have chosen another way, but he designed sex. Why? Because marriage is the main relationship between human beings. It is the most important and intimate connection that can exist between one person and another-and God has given married couples a precious gift. That gift creates a very special and incomparable bond between husband and wife. Therefore, God designed sex so that only married couples enjoy it. Why is it so special? Because in sexual intercourse, the husband and his wife reveal themselves in a way that is completely different from their interaction with any other person in the world.

Of course, sexuality is not the only connection that husbands have. They must have a spiritual relationship, helping each other to remain faithful to God and grow spiritually. They must have an emotional relationship, expressing love, love, loyalty and mutual support. And they must also have good communication, talking about everything. All these areas of your relationship are very important.

But nothing compares to the sexual relationship. This is completely different. In sex, each person reveals their innermost nature to the other. The two people choose to be mutually vulnerable.

A Special Language

A good way to describe the sexual relationship is as a "special language" that God has reserved only for those who are married. The marriage relationship is so important that God designed a unique way.

in which the husband and his wife can mutually express their deep love. When a man and a woman get married, and they begin their sexual relationship, a "new language" is suddenly created on Earth! That sexual relationship is reserved for them, and should be expressed only among them. It is intimate and beautiful. We can see why God has placed this intimate relationship within the secure boundaries of marriage! God's plan is that you express your sexuality only with your marriage partner.

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