in #sc-v5 years ago

It is always good to study and reflect on each character in the bible, because each of them leaves us a teaching, no matter how good or bad they have been in the eyes of God.

Today I would like us to analyze some unrecognized characters, I mean Sansón's parents, because we do not know much about them. This family was from the tribe of Dan, who was idolatrous and disobedient. The father of Sanson was called Manoa, which can mean hospitable, grateful, kind. He had his wife, the bible does not mention his name, but he was a sterile woman.


"To this woman appeared the angel of the Lord, and said to him, Behold, you are barren, and you have never had children; But you will conceive and bear a son. Now therefore, do not drink wine or strong drink, nor eat anything unclean "Judges 13: 3-4 (Reina-Valera 1960).

This Angel, after giving him such news, makes a lot of emphasis on not getting contaminated with anything, because as in the present times, women when they are pregnant, have to take care of themselves, refrain from consuming many things, because doing so can have serious consequences for her health and that of her son, but beyond the physical, the consequences and spiritual ties are more relevant.

A mother in every sense of the word, will always want the best for her child and is that the spiritual and physical future of our children, depend much of the care we have for them from the moment we conceive them. It is a war and fight against what you want to raise in that child, who will be used by God in a great way

"Behold, you will conceive and bear a son; and a razor shall not pass over his head, for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from his birth, and he shall begin to save Israel from the hand of the Philistines "Judges 13: 5 (Reina-Valera 1960).

This is the starting point of the pact that gives Samson enormous strength, by not cutting his hair, but in reality the strength was not the hair, but the Holy Spirit, which is the power of God. Now Nazirite means set apart for God, these were strong men, who kept themselves from eating and drinking unclean things.

The first attitude of this woman was to run to her husband and tell him what had happened to her; Like many people, I imagine that she felt frightened; that's how we are many times, we are waiting for good news, and when they give it to us, we are frightened, we run away and more because of the way God surprises us and how he does his things.

The first attitude that Manoa had before anything else was to pray to Jehovah, seeking in his presence the instructions that it was what they had to do. And indeed God heard it and the Angel appeared again. But Manoa did not ask him if it was true or not what had happened to his wife, but that, as they were going to do with that son, he was thinking about the future, apparently that was what worried him the most, how was he going to be the way of life of that child.

It has never happened to you, they give you good news, and then your mind flies and thinks to put an obstacle or a concern about what will happen later or what we are going to do with those blessings that God is going to give us . Sometimes with a single instruction that God gives us and we obey it, it will be enough for us to have all the future things work out for us. If it's good to think about the future, but do not worry, leave that to God, you just trust and obey.

Manoa upon hearing the response of the Angel of Jehovah, who only reiterated what he had already told his wife, had an attitude of gratitude, wanted to have a present with him, but the Angel did not accept.

And Manoah said to his wife: We shall surely die, because we have seen God. And his wife answered him, If the LORD wanted to kill us, he would not accept the burnt offering and the grain offering from our hands, nor would he have shown us all these things, nor would he have told us this now. Judges 13: 22-23 (Reina-Valera 1960) .

Manoa's wife finally changed her attitude, appropriating the promise, and the one who was now frightened was her husband, if circumstances happen in your life, you have supernatural experience with God, it is not so that we flee and think that everything is over, On the contrary, it is for us to create him. If God wanted evil for our life, then He gives us promises by His word.


I firmly believe that Sanson's parents lacked character, because having received Biblical principles they did not exercise it in Sanson's decisions and allowed him to do things that dishonored God.
It is good to know that as Christians we must act according to what the Word of God establishes.
Thanks for sharing @laramrm.