in #sc-v5 years ago

"My thoughts are not like their thoughts at all," says the Lord. And my ways are far above what you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than their ways and my thoughts, higher than their thoughts. "

Isaiah 55: 8-9 New Living Translation.


Legend has it that there were three trees. The first of them was an olive tree that dreamed one day become a chest adorned with precious stones and contain a great treasure. The second was a very strong rock, so he wanted to become the most impressive boat that had existed. And the third was a pine tree that wanted to become the tallest tree in the world so that when the creation looked at it it would exalt the name of GOD.

When the first tree was ripe, a logger cut him with an ax, which caused him great pain. -If he really wanted to contain a treasure, he would have to go through that. To his surprise he was not taken to a palace in the form of wood to become a chest, but to a humble village where he was transformed into a manger.

The second tree, the oak, was also felled. And as he was dreamed by a shipbuilder, he began to shape it into a boat. But, when it was finished, he realized that it was not large, nor was it designed to navigate the seas; but for lakes.

The pine eventually grew and became the highest on earth. But one night during a storm was struck by lightning and it fell to the ground, as well as his dream. Time passed and he was taken to a place where the rubbish was put. After being the tallest he became bitter when he became a waste.

When these trees saw their longings die or be torn apart, GOD fulfilled his purpose in them. The first tree that had become a manger one night received not only a treasure in itself but the greatest treasure of all time: Jesus. The tree longed to be covered in jewels but GOD covered it with His glory. The second tree that became a ship one day faced a great tempest in the Sea of ​​Galilee, and it did not sink. His strong composition resisted not only the waves and wind that lashed him but the glory of GOD. In addition, he witnessed how the Son of GOD ordered the storm to stop.

And from that third tree that in the eyes of many became waste, a day close to the Jewish Passover was taken by Roman workers to be the raw material of a Cross on which the Son of GOD would be sacrificed. Three days later, that man was resurrected and that tree became the Cross that shows the world the greatness and love of GOD. And when creation looks at it, it exalts the name of GOD.

If as well as these trees your dreams have not been fulfilled and it seems that they are far from being fulfilled; or in the search of those desires that you know were deposited by GOD you have suffered blows in the soul, today you must understand that your dreams are much smaller than those of GOD. And that His thoughts are far above yours. That dream that burns in your soul is the essence of GOD's plan for your life, do not give up because it will certainly happen and it will be much better than you imagined it.

Surrender to the dreams of the Lord and thus you will be the bearer of all his glory.


The thoughts of God precede all human knowledge, so your thoughts are not your thoughts. God is infallible, however, he has the best thoughts for us because he loves us in an incomprehensible way before the eyes of man.
Thanks for sharing @karinalr.

Mind blowing bro

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