in #sc-v5 years ago


In the middle of a society where the appearance, goods or reputation is valued; as children of God we can be influenced to determine our value for what we have; But really, what is important before God?

The best example is Jesus, who for love gave himself to us; and it opened a door of eternal grace through his sacrifice. He left his comfort to follow the divine plan, and although it implied pain, he endured it for love.

Today God is looking for men and women who are willing to give their lives completely, who, just as the disciples followed Jesus, so let us do it. And it will be in that close relationship where we will be molded and prepared for what God wants to do in us and through us.

Paul's apostle in the letter to the Philippians clearly speaks to them of his conviction about what was important to him, he quotes him as follows: "But how many things were for me gain, I have esteemed them as a loss for the love of Christ. And indeed, I still esteem all things as a loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whose sake I have lost everything, and I count it as filth, to win Christ "(Philippians 3: 7-8 NKJV )

The degree of surrender to God will depend on our personal decision and not on what the people may say, it will be something intimate between God and us. God will be able to see our intentions, motivations and desires; and will know everything that is inside of us.

Yesterday I met two missionary girls, when they told me about their lives I felt shocked and challenged, they are young people who have decided to put Jesus first before their comfort, who have family members far away, but persist in fulfilling the call of God and be found faithful before Him.

In the same way God is inviting us to live an entire life for him, and to understand that his plan and purpose are greater than ours; that his processes and ways are better, he simply calls us to follow his will.

Today God challenges us to walk in those waters of the unknown where we will depend on Him in everything and will prepare a table for us where we will take what is important: HIS WILL.

Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man praise in his wisdom, and let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches. But let him who has praised himself praise himself in this: to understand me and to know me, that I am the Lord, who shows mercy, judgment and justice in the earth; because I want these things, says the Lord.

Jeremiah 9: 23-24 RVR1960


THE LENDING service is at the very heart of true Christianity. When he was on Earth, the Son of God said that he had come, not "to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:28, Modern Version) His life is in Strong contrast to the selfish, ambitious attitude of so many people today who do not care about the needs of others. Through a life of altruistic service, Jesus put the perfect model that all his genuine followers must copy. Their life, like his, must be distinguished by serving and by the spirit of giving.

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