Blessed in Christ!
The intensity of your mood is essential to get the reward in Christ. Discouragement reaches us all, but having our eyes on Christ helps us to stand up and continue our career according to the supreme call we have in Christ Jesus.
When you are in the worst moment of your life, what you want is to throw in the towel. You don't like anything, nothing catches your attention. The mind becomes hazy and dark thoughts, it makes you lose your appetite to continue living. Sometimes you wonder, where are your best friends? You feel that the world has turned its back on you and that a ravine has fallen.
The disciples, when they saw that the Lord Jesus had disappeared from their eyes, for a moment they felt sad, however, they remembered that Jesus told them to wait in Jerusalem for the Father's promise to send the Holy Spirit. Everyone ran and found themselves in a place called a superior room. The mood returned, they were together, gathered in harmony. The weapon they used against discouragement was prayer and staying together. The days passed, some stopped waiting, were discouraged, but another 120 decided to continue waiting for God's promise, they remained united in prayer, until suddenly the Holy Spirit was poured out on them, which filled them with power and wisdom to speak. The word of God.
If you feel that the enemy of discouragement is stealing your blessing, pray, meet with the brothers and you will see that the glory of God spills over your life. Do not be discouraged and continue persevering in prayer and all your problems, God will bring you a solution. The advance is the key to conquer the great blessings that come from the kingdom of God. When you persevere in prayer, God will shake the place where you are and will be in charge of breaking with all the negative thoughts that want to steal your joy. Nothing can stand against you if God is on your side. "If Jehovah is for us, who can be against us?"