What does it take for God to get our attention in the year 2020?

A glorious happy new year 2020 for the entire Steemit family!
My best wishes for the entire blockchain community is that this new year that begins is full of peace, love and much abundance in the name of Jesus.
We have to start this new year by allowing God to take total and absolute control of our lives and to be He who directs us in all the circumstances we face in 2020.
God wants to get our attention at this very beginning of the year, because God has glorious and beautiful things for us. He wants us to wake up and leave behind the things of the past that served as an obstacle in our spiritual and material life, and that we also walk in alignment with God to obtain the best and most excellent results in the year 2020.
So, we may ask ourselves, what will God need to get our attention in the year that has begun?
What can get our attention quickly? Surely he would answer that, a whistle.
A whistle, we use it to control disturbing behavior, signal the beginning or end of an event or to interrupt the action in a game. No matter who makes it sound, a whistle tells us to stop and listen.
What does God use to get our attention?
Sometimes he uses a restless spirit or a vague dissatisfaction with life. He can use someone else's words to help us recognize that he is speaking to us, or he can allow our prayers to remain unanswered to force us to focus our gaze on Him. He can also act through disappointments, difficulties and failures to get our attention. . Whatever the case, we must stop and ask: "Are you teaching me something, Lord?
If we are wise, we will look for it immediately. In tragedies, in economic setbacks and in physical sufferings, God wants to see if we will come to Him to ask him: "Lord, what do you want me to learn from this in this new year?"
What does it take for the Lord to get our attention?
Review the following questions: Will a dejected spirit make us seek godly advice? Do we listen when God sends us someone to point his way?
When the blessings come, do we turn to God and ask him how he wants us to use them? Do we seek the Lord when our prayers remain unanswered? How long does it take us to overcome our emotions due to frustrations, difficulties and failures, and listen to what the heavenly Father wants to tell us?
In times of great economic crisis, tragedy and disease, do we raise our eyes and our minds to heaven to seek the love and wisdom of God?
We turn to God in every situation of our lives.
Let the events of his life, the pleasant and the painful, urge him to turn to God and ask him: "Lord, what are you teaching me?" Pay attention to what the Lord means.
Start now to learn how to pay your full attention. No matter what happens in your daily life, use it as a reminder to get closer to God.
He is waiting for you to pay attention to become a champion in the year 2020.