in #sc-v6 years ago (edited)

For the changes to be authentic, they have to be long-lasting and consistent. We have all experienced some temporary change, only to feel depressed and disappointed in the end. In fact, many people undertake them with fear, because, unconsciously, They believe that they will only be temporary. A good example of this is someone who needs to start a diet, but every time he gives up, basically because he unconsciously knows that the effort he will have to endure to reach his end will only provide him with a short-term reward. For most of my life, I have pursued what I consider the organizing principles of lasting change. But, for the moment, I would like to share with you three elementary principles of that one, that we can apply immediately to transform our lives.


Although these principles are simple, they are also extremely powerful when applied skillfully. It is exactly the same changes that an individual must undertake to promote a personal transformation, or those that a company must carry out to maximize its potential, or make a country to occupy the rightful place in the world. In fact, and as a world community, these are the changes we must do all to preserve the quality of life throughout the Earth....

1.-Elevate your criteria

The first thing you have to do at any time when you sincerely want to make a change is to raise your criteria. When people ask me what was it that really transformed my life, I answered that the most important thing of all was to change what I demanded of myself. I wrote all those things that I was not ready to accept in my life, all those that I did not want to continue tolerating, and all those in which I aspired to become. I had to convince myself that neither my studies, nor my personality, nor my physique would generate a change in me, just knowing God, letting him in and knowing my purpose.

Think of the long-term consequences set in motion by men and women who raised their standards and acted in accordance with them, deciding they were not willing to tolerate them-below the bar. History preserves the chronicles of the inspiring principles of people like JESUS. the savior of the world, Leonardo da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Albert Einstein, and many others who took the step, magnificently powerful, to raise their criteria. That same power that they have available is also at your disposal, if you have you the courage to aspire to it. Changing an organization, a company, a country or even a world, begins with the simple step of changing oneself. It says the word that all the good comes from the father of lights, all our talents and gifts, he has given it to us , we must awaken that giant that we have asleep inside us.

2.-Change your limiting beliefs

If you raise your goals but do not really see yourself able to achieve them, you have already sabotaged yourself. He will not even try; will lack that sense of certainty that you It allows you to use that deep capacity that exists within you, even while you are reading this. Our beliefs are like unquestioned orders, which tell us how they are things, what is possible and what is impossible, what we can do and what we can not do.
They configure each of our actions, and even the thoughts and feelings we experience. As a consequence, changing our belief systems is fundamental to producing real and lasting changes in our lives. We have to develop a sense of certainty that we can and want to achieve the new goals, before we can really do it. If we do not take control over our belief systems, we can elevate goals as much as we want, we will never have the conviction necessary to achieve them.

How much do you think Gandhi would have achieved if he had not believed with every fiber of his being in the power of nonviolent opposition? It was the congruence of his own beliefs that allowed him to access his internal resources and face the challenges that would have defeated any man less committed than him. Giving power and ability to one's beliefs-with that sense of certainty-is the driving force behind every great success that is It has produced in history. The word says that whoever believes in God, even though he is dead, will live.

We must establish dominion in five areas of life that, I am convinced, are the ones that most affect us. These are:

1. Emotional dominance
The mastery of this lesson is the one that will allow you to move forward to master the other four. Think about it. Why do you want to lose weight? Just for having something less fat in your body? Or it will not be more for believing that you will feel freer getting rid of those extra kilos, allowing you to get more energy and vitality, making you feel more attractive to others, and displaying their confidence and self-esteem up to the stratosphere? Virtually, all we do is change the way we feel; however, most of us have very little or no training about how to do it quickly and effectively. It is strange to observe how we use the intelligence we have to get ourselves into emotional states without resources, forgetting about the crowd of innate talents that we already possess.

2. Physical domain
Is it worth having everything that I had dreamed about, but not having the health physical that allows you to enjoy it? Do you get up every morning feeling full of energy, strengthened and prepared to face a new day? Or get up feeling so tired like the night before, harassed by pain and resentful to have to start all of

3. Domain of relationships

In addition to mastering your emotions and your physical health, I can not think of any otherMore important than learning to master your relationships: romantic, family, business and social After all, who wants to learn, mature and reach the success and happiness just for yourself?
When you have mastered this fundamental skill, you will learn to connect with people in their deepest state, and you will be rewarded with something we all want to experience: a sense of contribution, of knowing that we mean a
difference in the lives of other people.
I discovered that, for me, the greatest resource is a relationship because it opens my doors to everything I need. For this, we need to develop the fruits of the holy spirit: peace, meekness, love, kindness, patience, joy, goodness, faith, temperance.

4. Financial domain

Most people feel pressured by financial issues, and tend to think that having more money would relieve that pressure. It is a great cultural deception: allow me
Make sure that the more money you have, the greater the pressure you will feel.
The key is not the pursuit of wealth, but to change their beliefs and attitudes about it, to see it as a means of contribution and be a blessing, and not as an absolute end to achieve happiness.
To build a comfortable financial future, the first thing you have to do is learn to change what causes scarcity in your life, and then to experiment, over a
"Consistent basis, values, beliefs and emotions essential to reach wealth, conserved and expanded." Then, define your goals and configure your dreams with the aim of achieving the highest possible level of welfare, feeling full of peace of mind and released to look forward with expectation, before all the possibilities offered by life.

5. Domain of time

Masterpieces require your time. However, how many of us really know how to use it? I'm not talking about time management, but about taking and distorted, manipulated so that it becomes our ally rather than our enemy. Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, the opportunity, and also the responsibility, to return something, achieving something more.

2 Timothy 3: 16-17: 16 All Scripture is divinely inspired and useful to teach, to reprove, to correct, to institute in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be perfect, fully instructed for every good work.



What a good dissertation! The change occurs when we are willing, the rest comes alone
Excellent @darlenys01

When the determination to change is made, one must have control and own domain, as expressed in the bible. In this way we can take control of each area that you mention here.

Very important points to consider for many of us, because they are applicable in our lives for good, but that focused from the Christian field are directed to the building of good works of hand of people attached to the mandate of God

"And no one puts new wine into old wineskins, because then the wine will break the wineskin, and the wine and the wineskins are lost; but new wine is poured into new wineskins. "Jesus.

so it is dear apostol @darlenys01 first we must change ourselves, then we can help other people to change, we have to see the difference reflected in us, thank you for sharing this message, Blessings

For me the most difficult thing is to master the time, I will have to analyze this message again and again. Thanks @darlenys01.

What are those changes that you have always wanted to happen in your life? I am sure that most of us have that desire to change, change their financial situation, change careers or work, change relationships, habits or even change the CD of bad thoughts, low self-esteem, insecurity and of the distrust that there is in your life. We all have that desire for change and those who believe they can do it alone are frustrated because they can not do it. I believe that the change comes from God and it is He who produces and initiates the change.

God created us with self-consciousness and an innate capacity to change. These attributes do not exist in animals, who are guided by their instinct and lack the desire to become something different from what they are. Only human beings have the ability to change our way of being.

"Nobody bathes twice in the same river." Heraclitus

Ask yourself, Am I ready for the changes that will come?
Many want changes but they do not prepare, they think that if God wants to change them, He can do it. Of course He can do it, but he does not do it because it is a choice that touches you and it is your responsibility to assume it. He produces wanting as doing, this tells me that I must do something about it, that is, I have my part in the change. And before doing anything, we have to prepare ourselves.

You can not pretend to achieve your dreams, living accompanied by fears. You can not change when you resist the change. If you want to change and be someone else, the old thing has to go, you have to let go, you have to start dressing the new person.

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