in #sc-v6 years ago

This word the Lord gave me, one day I was hurt, I had lost something that was very valuable to me, I remember that night, I had a night of love with God, and I said: if that's the way things are, then I do not want I took a lot of coffee and I was watching, telling my sorrows to God, when I fell asleep, he spoke these words to me, I still keep it in my mind and in my heart:

"7 For if the tree be cut off, there is still hope; He will still revive, and his shoots will not be lacking. 8 If its root grows old in the earth, And its trunk is dead in the dust, 9 When it perceives the water it will green again, And it will make a cup like a new plant. "
Job 14: 7-9


Believe, on this day, that you are going to make a cup as a new plant; your roots have not been cut, and you are going to green.

During the Second World War, there were two renowned psychiatrists who, because of their fame, managed to escape from the Nazis; But there was another who could not escape, Viktor Frankl. This doctor was in camps and went through everything that the others went through. The two who managed to escape are well known. The first, Sigmund Freud, managed to flee to another place where they protected him. Throughout his life, this psychiatrist established his main psychiatric theory of how to work with the psyche of man, in which he states that the needs of man are satisfied for the sole purpose of having pleasure. In other words, what moves man is pleasure; everything he does, what he seeks, what he wants is to achieve pleasure. As long as man understands that he will achieve pleasure, he will continue forward and be able to get out of his problems. You can battle with all your problems, as long as you have the impulse that you are going to have pleasure in your life.

Alfred Adler had a completely different theory. He said that what moves the human psyche or the spirit of man is the search for power. As long as the person understands that he can take authority, overcome, that keeps him moving forward.

Much later, Viktor Frankl arrives. Sigmund and Alfred, these two psychiatrists, did not go through the Nazi camp; therefore, not having the experience that Viktor Frankl has, they have the capacity to formulate all these theories. You can have many theories in your life, without having gone through some processes, but the processes make you arrive at conclusions that you would not reach simply by thinking. And Viktor Frankl comes to a very powerful conclusion: That what moves man is neither power nor pleasure, but the product of the hope of uniting with a loved one. Viktor Frankl begins to see how the strongest men begin to die in the camp, while the weakest survive; And he realized that the weak had someone to live for, had a hope of one day meeting a loved one.

Being this psychiatrist in a row to be tortured, someone in the row told him about his loved one, which made him remember the woman he loves. And Viktor Frankl says that the moment he remembered his love for that woman awakened his desire to survive the Nazi camp.

What makes you survive the worst tortures of your life, is not your strength, the power you have, but the power of hope that is the product of love, the product of knowing that behind your process there is someone who loves you and who is worthy of your love despite all the difficulties. Viktor Frankl did not lose his head because he had hope. The one that loses the head is the one that does not have hope, the one that does not have something for which to fight, for what to live.

Let something arise in you that you may have to live, why fight, why move forward. There are those who want to love their work, thinking that this is how they will produce it; but, however much you like what you do, work is work, and work tires, puts you pressure. You do not need to love work, but you need to love someone to work for, because if you have someone to sustain, to fight for, then you pass the work that you have to go through. If you have no hope in your life, may it rise today in you; In the middle of the camp and the pressure that you are living, that there is a reason to live, to wait for a change, and to believe that something will happen in your favor.


One of the accusations made to the church is that it raises false hopes; And the question is: What are false hopes? If your chances of things going well are few, would it be false hopes? If there is a 0.3% chance that you are healthy, check if you are in that percentage and have one more day to live because you are going to have something to get up; That is not false hope. And those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, although in the natural world there is 0.3% hope, the Bible says that living is Christ, and dying is gain. If you do not heal here, you are healed in the afterlife, but you are healed by what He did for you on the cross of Calvary, and until the last moment you have to live.

We are, many times, disappointed; Our expectations are not always met; So much so, that we prefer not to expect anything from anyone, simply, so as not to suffer the disappointment of encountering reality. But you, choose to live your whole life excited, to think that everyone is good around you; Although some disappoint you, choose to look at things from the best perspective, in a positive way, for you to see the future and have something to live for. They call you crazy, but that madness is better than living frustrated and disappointed your whole life and not expecting anything.

I had to learn to see and accept life like that, the enemy, hell will rise up against your purpose and use people until more help, more love to hurt you, but we have the power of Jesus' love to forgive, and move on, knowing that nothing and no one can stop us.

People and things disappoint you; You expect certain things that do not happen; But even if they cut the tree, when perceiving the water, it will green again.




Con Dios todo es posible querida @darlenys01, siempre te he dicho las mejores cosas que Dios tiene para nosotros la encontramos en la intimidad con Él. Ciertamente Dios es nuestra infinita esperanza y con Él siempre habrá reverdecimiento.
Disfruté este mensaje

Abraham believed hope against hope until he saw the promise. Thank you Darlenys for this message.

On many occasions, God promises us things that we forget quickly, but the enemy does not forget it and will attack you so that you do not reach it and believe in your despair.

The enemy attacks promises and prophecies, we must not lose hope.

let's not lose our hope my people of Venezuela, God is still God, blessings @darlenys01.

Happy birthday, I hope you've enjoyed it enough.

Cry out to our God, he will give us a way out, hope despite the storms.

Let's hope in God, apostle @darlenys01, he will always give us a way out, if there is hope.

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