Many times, we are criticized for teaching to sow, to be generous; There is controversy with the principles of tithe and offering; Some are offended; For them, teaching to give should not be done in the church. Definitely, God does not need your money; The coin of transaction with God is not earthly, but your faith; But, when you learn to be generous, to give, to tithe, to offer, to sow in the kingdom of God and in other people, your life changes.
Your financial actions have a high degree of influence on your spiritual, emotional, family life, and how you see everything around you.

It is important to teach others to give because there are some spiritual truths that are vital to transfer to the life of every believer, and that can not be learned if it is not through the process of generosity, through the process of giving, and doing so. consistently.
The greatest men and women of God were characterized by their generosity. If we say that the Bible is our guide, and those who are in it, our example, then we have to see in them that vital part of their sacrifice. This is not what everyone would want to see; They want to see the warrior in David, but not the giver, who said he did not want to give God something that did not cost him. We talk about the faith of Abraham, however, Abraham is one of the first in the Bible that teaches us tithing. When you do not see this, you focus on more exciting characteristics, but even our Lord Jesus Christ is the best example of a generous person; He left everything in heaven to come to earth, and here on earth he gave everything, life, for us. So, you have to teach people to give; The great men and women of the word of the Lord, one of its characteristics was generosity.
In the New Testament, we are taught that we have to make treasures in heaven; Our decisions and economic actions cause the sky to be moved in our favor; When you learn to be generous, you accumulate in the spiritual world, an economic bank that nothing can corrupt, nothing can harm, and that assures you that place of blessing when you need it. Everything you do will yield a result, both in the natural and the spiritual world. The Bible tells us to learn to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, and to say: Treasuring for a good foundation for the future, speaking specifically about the treasures we have to do in heaven. Unfortunately, the focus of many is on the earthly, where things undergo great changes; But in heaven they do not suffer the dramatic changes that occur here on earth; There is no bad economy in heaven; There is no corruption. For the best administrator you are, things in the natural world have their expiration date, and you have to learn to live with that.
Naturally speaking, the only way to promote the Gospel is through finances. Some do not want to understand, receive, accept this truth, but the only way to do the work we do is through economic resources. The spiritual value of what we do is incalculable, but everything we do costs.
Your gift makes you a more reverent person to God. The Bible clearly says that where your treasure is, your heart is. Your economic decisions revolve around what is your financial priority. Unfortunately, many do not invest what is necessary in the work of God, so their devotion to God is minimal. You can not buy God, but you can show your devotion when in your finances He is also first. And your generosity allows you to enter that level of relationship where there is a depth that did not exist before.
Perhaps you today are not seeing God as He wants to manifest through your gift, specifically in the area of finance. Your reward, what you will receive from God, goes according to your sowing, and not with anything else. Most of the miracles that people expect, go in relation to their gift; That is a reality of God's system. Some people think that God does not care about our relationship with money, but one of the topics that the Bible deals with is precisely that of finance. And what you are going to receive goes 100% in accordance with what you are planting. So, if you want to see God in a special and unique way, it is vital that you learn to sow, give, and be generous. Planting and giving do not exempt you from worshiping, from assembling, from praying, from fasting; But you can not pretend to have the results of the offering, fasting. You have to do everything, to receive every result, and every manifestation of God over your life. And you have never seen God as you can see at the moment you offer. When you learn to be a generous person to God, and to offer to God, you will see him in a special way in your life in all areas. Experience God through your gift; Sowing.

How can we make this world see the generosity of God? Through you and through me, God places in us the task of being his hands and feet, that is what we are called to be.
One of the qualities of God's nature, an aspect of love, we might say, is his generosity or abundance. The five thousand people who heard Jesus not only stopped being hungry - they received in abundance! The remainder could be collected and used, so that no blessing was lost.
This is the nature of God with which I must clothe myself while I am here on earth as a disciple of Jesus. (2 Peter 1,3-4) This generosity, which is born of love, is also something that can be part of my nature.
We are in a greedy world where people fight for nothing but there pocket, you see people that have enough are not ready to give, people only sow where they know they will reap, too many hypocrites everywhere and we have few people that are generous left.
The only generous person i know is sirknight. Give not because of gender, colour of the skin, what you will gain or because you know or close to that person but give because you know that person is in need. I have learnt alot from @sirknight i pray for him everyday because he is heaven sent.
Thank for sharing
Think about this, God calls us to be generous with those in need, generosity does not know about savings, once your heart has been transformed you can live with the generosity that comes from God, you can be the visible and tangible manifestation of God , you can be his hands and his feet.
Greed, evil, and having no heart are the opposite of the nature of God. Generosity, and a desire to give and bless are characteristics that belong to a disciple of Jesus Christ.
To live generosity is to give and also receive, see 2 Corinthians 8:13 and 14, Paul writes to the Corinthians, "For I do not say this so that there may be slackness for others, and for you narrowness, but so that at this time, with equality , your abundance suffers the shortage of them, so that their abundance also meets your need, so that there is equality "Do you hear what Paul is saying? He says that if they have generosity they should give and they should also learn to receive, you have the resources to do something about it.
Jesus fed five thousand people with five barley loaves and two small fish. His nature is to be generous in abundance. The good news for us is that we can learn to be equally generous!
We are called to live generosity, so let me give you some principles of what it is to live it, our generosity can not be temporary. Here is the first principle: generosity has absolutely nothing to do with the amount you have in your hands, generosity has to do with the attitude of your heart.
Certainly the generous fellow can never be in want. It is God's demand from Christians to be generous.
Big lesson you shared @Darlenys01
It works perfectly for us!, in as much as we give, we are also rewarded abundantly. Thank you @darlenys01 for this great post.
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