in #sc-v5 years ago

"And I said: I will not remember him more, nor will I speak more in his name; nevertheless, there was in my heart like a burning fire in my bones; I tried to suffer it, and I could not. Because I heard the murmuring of many, fear everywhere: Denounce, denounce. All my friends watched if I would give up. Perhaps he will be deceived, they said, and we will prevail against him, and we will take our revenge from him. But Jehovah is with me as a mighty giant; therefore those who persecute me will stumble, and they will not prevail; they will be greatly ashamed, because they will not prosper; they will have perpetual confusion that will never be forgotten. "

Jeremiah 20: 9-11

The morning of today in Venezuela is cold and cloudy. This time, I'm sitting in the dining room. I did not plan to write because I am having a strong flu, but my passion for God impels me not to stop writing. I have to do what my God wants me to do, I have to follow the dictation of what he wants to minister to my heart and to each of those who read.

I meditated that in life we ​​do not always feel strong enough to do the tasks that correspond to us, but although sometimes we think about how we will do it, we can not give up or stop doing what we have to do. At this precise moment I think of the prophet Jeremiah. How many times he wanted to leave everything, how many times he had to overcome his pain and his frustration, how many times he wanted to escape! But he felt a flame inside him that did not allow him to defect. Jeremiah experienced in the midst of his weaknesses and anguish that fire of the Holy Spirit that did not allow him to stop doing what he knew he had to do.

We can not let the enemy take advantage of our lives and our circumstances. The message of God has to keep spreading, the work of God can not stop or stagnate. It has to flow like fresh water. The pain, the illness, the tribulation or anything that can come into our lives, can not be stronger than the power and strength that God is going to infuse upon us to do what we have to do. Maybe this flu has me in pain, but that will happen, I'll recover soon. But if I stop writing and someone needs to read or listen to this message and I do not; I will have lost that moment or let it pass. And honestly I do not want that to happen, I feel very responsible and committed to God.

That's why I tell you today dear brother, you can not stop doing what you know you have to do. It is not that we are indispensable, but we are necessary. The offering I want to present to the Lord can not be given to another, I have to give it to me. I may not write my best writing today, but I will not stop working and do what I have to do because I know that God will perfect the work and look at the effort that you and I do to keep us moving forward.

There have been so many occasions in which I have felt that same fire that Jeremiah felt, burn in my heart. That flame that allows you to accept the will of God even though many times you do not understand what is happening. That fire that cleanses, purifies and burns everything that prevents us from being close to our Heavenly Father. It is this direct contact of God personally with my life, making me feel that he is still there and that he is bigger than anything. It reminds you that he is still in complete control of everything. What brings you to memory the pact you made with him never to leave and to always follow His will and His designs regardless of how you felt.

And when I finish these letters, I can, although tired, feel that peace so sublime that it makes me feel sure that I have not stopped doing the part that belongs to me. I can feel how God smiles knowing that his grace is enough for me and that his power continues to be perfected through my weaknesses. And that, my beloved brother, is a wonderful sensation that nothing and nobody in the world can take away from you. Therefore, it's worth the effort, it's worth walking the extra mile. I am aware that maybe this is not the best moment that some of you are going through, but surely that flame of the Holy Spirit is burning on you and convincing you that you can not stop doing that task or mission that was entrusted to you not by no man, but by God.


Dear God: Today I stand before you with the absolute confidence and confidence that you are strengthening me in the midst of my weaknesses, problems and illnesses. That although my body feels exhausted, my spirit is still willing to do the task that was entrusted to me. Thank you for your holy fire burning within me and infusing me with new breath.

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