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RE: What does the Bible say about who is the antichrist?

in #sc-v5 years ago

"For a figure like the antichrist to appear in the modern world, there must be a bankruptcy in the world order, as we know it now. There must be a monetary crisis, a collapse of the law and international institutions, and the power structures of national states."

This had already happened multiple times in multiple societies. Since forever people have clung to their generation being the end of times. One thing history has been consistent about is that those claiming validity to this claim by using the book of revelation have consistently been wrong every time a claim was made and the time had lapsed.

People continue to plug in their interpretations the same way people do when it comes to Nostradamus. Hell, the catholic religion didn't even view this book as acceptable until after Martin Luther separated from the church in 1500 AD. Up until that time the catholic church thought the book of revelation was written to be divisive within the church. The book was seen as nothing more than a confrontational decree.

However I find it hard to find value in claims being made by third party knowledge. A revelation given to a man by God. The entire bible is full of claims made by individuals and passed on as fact that never was required to provide reasoning or validation to their initial claims. Not only do i find it hard in trusting these claims, its terrifying to see people claim that education is being used as a source to lead us to the anti Christ. That claim is absurd.

Religion depends on persuasion because it can not depend on education. Persuasion is the top offence when trying to convince someone of something that you can not prove. If you did not require persuasion you would depend solely on education as we would be teaching people facts in reality rather than convincing them in the supernatural.

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