in #sc-n5 years ago


Reading passage:- Psalms 107:1-2

1.O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

2.Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy.

The psalms are real about life. They don't ignore or downplay life's struggles and fears. That is one reason why they are such a treasure for many people.


Psalms 107 addresses several difficulties faced by mortals in this world: being lost, imprisoned, Afflicted with distress, and tossed around by a storm.

Today, the experience of being lost may include trying to find our way amid the choices and complexities of our world.


Being imprisoned for rebelling against God may include our addictions to various sins, comforts, conveniences, and social media. Our illnesses, storms and other troubles may have different names and context today, but if they result from ignoring or defying God, the need for God's forgiveness and help still resonates in our hearts and souls.


We cry out in our need and God guides, frees, heals, calms, the storm and in a multitude of other ways blesses his people. Trouble does not have the final word.

So we give thanks to God for all He has done, and we name and bear witness to the ways we have been rescued from trouble.
May you have the opportunity to do that at all times, in body or in spirit, and to share with others each day about God"s wonderful works.

May God give us the grace never to stop praising the Him for his goodness and mercies toward us and may he also help us to choose to praising Him from our heart. Amen.

Thanks for reading

I remain @prettyglo

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