Savile Row Tailoring - the handcraft tailor academy
Savile Row Tailoring
Savile Row tailoring, though often copied, is rarely ever equalled. It is also one of the few places in the world you would struggle to find master tailors. On Savile Row, tailors specialise in different areas.
These areas are broken down into different skills. Rarely, if ever, does one tailor train in each area. In the instance they had, they probably failed in one skill and hoped they could succeed in another.
These years were tough for those in Savile Row tailoring. An ageing staff caused a drop in the making standards and many examples of the clothing found from this era show a substandard product that would not be acceptable today.
Savile Row tailoring is revered around the world as the highest possible standard, though this notoriety has humbled many in their field. Few would wish to claim such a title. For the years Rory spent there, he like many of his peers, worked hard daily to make themselves worthy of such a title.
A tailor on Savile Row is a generic title with many positions falling under it as Savile Row tailoring in and of itself has become an institution with many faces and names behind it.
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