The Old Dog Presents: Our Saved Trees Winners!

in #savedtrees7 years ago (edited)

What a great response I had to my request for you to show me examples of the saved trees that you have seen.

Tree Tuesday, Getting to The Root of The Problem With 5 SBD in Prizes!

Spoiler Alert: I've added extra prizes so we can spread the Steem around!

Trees fill us with awe, especially when we think that many of them are much older than we are. As I wrote in my previous article they may take generations to grow but just moments to cut down. For this reason alone it's good to think things over before sparking up a chain saw!

Here's a Beautiful Tree Saving Poem Called "Trees"!

I learned this poem as a child at school and it has always had a big impact on me. It was written by Joyce Kilmer and was first published in 1914. He was known for his poetry that focused on both the beauty of nature and his religious faith. This poem "Trees" is unique because it personifies the tree that he is writing about and in it he admits that in comparison to the beauty and majesty of a tree his poem is, in essence, nothing!

In 1938 the US federal government purchased 3,800 acres of land to save it from extensive logging and named it The Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest! In effect his poem saved many trees and thus it finds a fitting place under our savedtrees tag!

Joyce Kilmer (Poet) 1886-1918 Photo credit

Here's the poem. I hope that it touches you as it does me!

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Joyce Kilmer

Some of The Impressive Saved Trees Examples That You Sent Me!

There were so many cool examples. I'm listing a top three and then some of my other favorites! You guys always make it tough to choose! You're awesome and you make things fun!

@onceuponatime sent us this example from his home in Lutraki Greece. It would have been easy just to cut these trees down to make room for the pergola but, as you can see, another solution was found! 3 SBD for this one!

@melinda010100 saw this growing in Calumet Michigan. I'm not sure what to think about this as it looks totally bizzare but what great respect for saving the tree! I'm sending @melinda010100 2 SBD for this unique example!

Wow. I must say that this is a beautiful tree. Perhaps a Mediterranean pine? @loveisintheair, also in Greece wrote an article about it here. Take a look because there are many photos of this from different angles!

Here Are Some More Examples

Clockwise from left photos sent by: @alexandraioana26, @theguruasia, @kartiksingh. You all get .50 SBD

Here are two more. The one on the left is from @ace108 and the one on the right is a beautiful place that was visited by @steem-samiam. I'm sending you each .50 SBD for playing along!

That Was Fun! We'll do Something With Trees Again in The Future

I hope that you enjoyed this article about "Our Saved Trees Winners!"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Let's Succeed Together!


That was really the best contest run by you here on steemit. All of these pictures indicate that there are still people in the world who care about mother nature a lot. It is very easy to earn money by cutting down these trees and building the skyscrapers but it is really impossible to raise these trees and take care of them like our own child. Big congratulations to all the winners and really happy to see such posts and images here.
Keep it up the good work here.

You are always so kind an supportive @rocksg! Thank you so much!

Looking at the beautiful images we can imagine how cool would be to have a tree in hour houses! And thinking about the good reason it was made, just make them look more beautiful!

And I think to myself "what a wonderful world!"

"I see trees of green" :D:D

For sure!

First of all congratulations to all the winners I hope you use your winnings usefully!!

Secondly, I’m super happy people decided not to cut down these trees!! Some people finally learned that the only reason we can breath air and live is because of these trees. As @kus-knee said “ They May Take Generations To Grow But Just Moments To Cut Down ”.

There was a tiny forest around 10 minutes away from my house and now they have cut thousands of trees down and built a Wal-Mart and multiple town houses there!! I was speechless when I saw them cutting the trees down but I couldn’t do anything about it.

Trees are living objects like you and I so we have to be protective not destructive!!

I imagine that you were sad to see the forest disappear. Are you back in Canada yet?

What a cool contest...too bad I didn't make time to send in a pic....great imagination in coming up with these ideas, Old Dog!

Thanks a lot for your support!

What a brilliant post and a great competition. I hope to catch the next one. We have the Peak District in the UK and a notorious road called Snakes Pass. The Forrest around the road boasts some great wildlife (if you get a chance check out the peak district). The road unites 2 major cities in the UK and its a fantastic contrast where you leave the hustle and bustle of one the cities (called Sheffield) and then start driving through the thick forests for around an hour only to be met by a city of lights - The City of Manchester.
Ill be sure to take a picture of some of the roads built around the trees - hopefully in time for the next competition!

Great comment. Why not put up a post about it on your own since you've been inspired? You'll have my vote and tons of support from me while you get established here.

I'm looking forward to your crypto blogs. Did you check out @stan's latest post?

Another crypto vlogger that I follow is @exyle. He posts on our own version of YouTube called DTube! I could picture YOU as a Vlogger on the Steem blockchain!

Have a great weekend!

Haha thank you @Kun-knee, Its odd you made that comment, i have introduced someone to Steemit and we have started to create content for the site in the form of videos - but we had some problems with the Mic so to be continued. I also want to say thank you for your continued support. I have been examining the content on the site and have some great ideas of niches i have in the works :) Stay tuned.

Thank you very much for selecting my untalented-talented photography as a winning photography of the round! It's a great pleasure to me! It's my 1st entry of any kind of photography contest. So I am really happy about that.
Congratulations for @onceuponatime and my photography never be listed here without his inspiration.


I got the winning prize and sorry I can't screenshot it, coz I am with my onceuponamobile. Still I didn't find that option. Thank you.


I subscribe to that @theguruasia! Thank you @onceuponatime!

excellent work dear friend @ kus-knee congratulations for the excellent idea of making neurons work and find where there is a tree saved.
the images that have been presented are beautiful, they show that not everything is lost, many people preserve their love and commitment to nature, some go further and allow the tree to be on their property and to pierce their own roofs, others lose space in their tickets to keep the tree intact, how much love that moves.
I wish you a great day

You always make such eloquent comments. I can only imagine how nice it must be to read your writings in Spanish. The Amazing @jlufer!

you are very kind dear friend, I appreciate your kind words
I wish you a great day

These are all some amazing..conservation efforts I guess XD Love the submission by @loveisintheair!

Yes indeed. If you check her post it's full of photos of that amazing situation. Are you also in Greece?

Yes I am from Greece :D

A Big Congratulations to all the winners !! Great Job !!🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲

It was a lot of fun!

Looks like it ! haha ! Now thats what I call a "Tree House !"🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲

Thank you very much for nominating me the 3rd place, well done to everyone who participate to this contest !!
You inspired me to spend this 5 SBD for a new tree on my garden !

Great! What type of tree will you plant? Greece has a good climate for some wonderful trees!

Yes, that's true about Greece! I will plant a fig tree, called vasiliki sykia. It produces the highest quality fruit(and very tasty too!) here in Attica, because of the climate .Greek mythology tells that, Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, created the fig tree!

Somehow I knew that it would be a fig tree. Peaceful and productive! One day soon I will visit Greece for a Steemcation!

But how you knew it? Intuition?We are glad that you are planning to visit Greece !

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