Trees life of earth

in #save7 years ago

It is a well-known fact; we don’t value a thing until we lost it. Here from thing I mean the trees and plants. Human beings and animals, all are wholly reliant on trees. Largest portion of our food comes from plants and trees. Corn, fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts and many other edibles come from trees. They play a very important role in our lives. Saying it wouldn’t be erroneous that we are alive due to trees- a greatest blessing by God.Plants and tress take care of you:plants-and-tress.jpg

Plants and trees are considered to be the rescuers of the nature. If we wouldn’t save them, our next generation will have to pay for it. So, just take care of them, they’ll take care of you. A study shows that having trees in your neighborhood will keep you away from many mental and physical diseases. They’ll have a very stimulating impact.Trees are controllers of global warming:

Global warming has become hot topic of the day. Earth’s temperature is increasing day by day which is triggering many issues regarding health, nature conservation, ecosystem and many others. One of the major reasons of this issue is the cutting of trees. Trees act as absorbs for dangerous ultraviolet and greenhouse gases. They contribute a lot in reducing environmental temperature by acting as natural air conditioners and a source of rain. Consequently,they are one of the major controllers of global warming. So, “Save trees now, they will save you in future.”Without plants there will be no green left on globe:

As we see on the earth’s globe, there are two prominent colors blue and green. Blue is due to water and green is due to greenery. A major part of our earth’s natural beauty is due to plants and trees. Speed with which we are cutting trees and polluting the environment, there will be no green left. Just imagine!! If there will be no plants and trees on earth then how everything will be look like, just bore and blank.It’s the moment to rethink on this issue. Only by saving trees we will be to pass all the benefits, which are available to us, to our next generation. So, never cut the trees and also discourage this act. They have no alternative. On the other hand grow more and more trees and plants.trees.jpg

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