How to measure Satoshi to bitcoin?
Satoshi is the smallest fraction of a Bitcoin, in determining the unit's count in bitcoin or altcoin. which has 8 decimal units left behind. satoshi is taken from the name of its own bitcoin founder satoshi nakamoto.
0.00000000 btc = 0 satoshi
0.00000001 btc = 1 satoshi
0.00000010 btc = 10 satoshi
0.00000100 btc = 100 satoshi
0.00001000 btc = 1000 satoshi
0.00010000 btc = 10000 satoshi
0.00100000 btc = 100k satoshi
0.01000000 btc = 1M satoshi
0.10000000 btc = 10M satoshi
1.0 btc = 100M satoshi
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