The Steemicide Song

in #satire8 years ago (edited)

(To the tune of "Tower of Song" by the late great Leonard Cohen.)

Well, my followers are gone, and my hair is gray
I ache in my wallet where they used to pay
And I'm crazy for Steem, but I'm not coming on
I'm just posting my posts for mere cents
In what this place has become

I said to the Guilds: how lonely will I get
The Guilds still haven't answered yet
But I can see them voting all day long
For other people's content
In what this place has become

I will be flagged for this, but I had no choice
I was born with the curse of a whining voice
And twenty-seven dolphins from the reef beyond
Just stopped giving me money
In what this place has become

Now you can say that I've grown bitter but of this you may be sure
The whales have got their hands in the wallets of the poor
And there's a mighty hardfork coming, but I may be wrong
You see, you hear these funny rumours
In what this place has become

I see you standing on the other side
I don't know how the river got so wide
I loved you Steemit, way back when
And all the bridges are burning that you might have crossed
And I still feel close to the Steem that I lost
I'll never have to lose it again

Now I bid you farewell, I'm not ever coming back
I'm moving back tomorrow to that forum down the track
And I'll be whining on that forum, long after I'm gone
I'll be trolling about Steemit
And what that place has become

No, I have no intention of committing steemicide. I'm just a singing cynic sometimes. If you are considering not voting for this, I suggest you read this first.


I can hear the late, great Leonard singing this in his classic style. Loved his music and incredible writing ability. Now you have joined his rank. Well done.
It is good to get it out, but in the end, this is still a phenomenal community, with a whole lot more going on than just a social site. There is an ebb and flow to it, that's for sure. Think we just have to ride it out, and see where it goes. Hopefully we will be able to go along and not ebb when it flows, or vice versi. I do agree with your comment, it is definitely some recognition over payout that is most important. Though as your last post said...if someone wants to toss monies my way, that's just fine with me ( :

True that. There are some goings on here, though, that are very tiring and it is hard to isolate yourself from them. Gaming, powerplays, infighting, and all that. We'll see how it works out.

Was expecting you really sang this. ;-)
The lyrics are good flowing nicely and can almost hear it.

I have sung the original with my a-capella quartet. I'm a low baritone, about half an octave short of a full bass, so I can make it sound dark, but not whiney 8-).

I have done my best to make it fit exactly to the original tune.

@ocrdu wahahahahah funny very very funny lyrics
you're good man!
the drama doesn't work either
your arrogant post did better
I love the lyrics and this part the most!

I said to the Guilds: how lonely will I get
The Guilds still haven't answered yet

This sort of thing isn't exactly whale bait, of course, no point in posting it if all you care about is making money 8-).

@ocrdu well maybe too fat for a whale bait
it hasn't worked ..
ik heb writer's block wahahaha
mooi smoesje heh?
maar echt .. ik heb veel artikelen van te voren gescreven maar ik weet niet meer welke ik eerst doen moet

EDIT : reply nested
Ik twijfel want ik wil in series posten en nu weet ik niet meer als het over kunst of tuineren of fotografie maar zeker geen eten meer.. mijn recept zijn allemaal exclusief naar iets nu .. ik mag wel fotos gebruiken of ...restjes.. (shhh.. jij weet wat ik bedoel toch?)

Als je niet kunt kiezen, dan post je toch gewoon in de volgorde waarin je ze geschreven hebt?

Job really well done.

Missing having a whiney voice might not be something to be all that unhappy about anyway. 😁

Maybe Steem birthday song challenge.

Hm. Shouldn't we have a National Anthem first?

Yes, for Steemland, you are right...

Ha! Well I'm new here, so I don't know any different. But Ive been around the net a bit, and where else is there, really? Ive been on 8app, but they are sooo broken its sad. I post on Niume which looks and works good but pay a dollar/1000 views. On Rabadaba, to make $10 you need one million upvotes... If anyone has a good suggestion, I'm all ears.

@old-guy-photos you're doing fine :)
have you checked the steemitchat?
you may post your post there but make sure its on the right channel go make friends there too
Enjoy the ride :)

I haven't made my way over to that yet. I will have to check it out. I really appreciate the tip!

I still like it here, I just use satire from time to time to get things off my chest. I honestly have no idea where this ship is sailing, but while it is underway, I rather like the view. How you are treated is more important than cash, unless you're short of cash.

Totally agree. I like the community aspect here. Any money is a bonus. Just hate seeing people being used like on FB. In a perfect world, I would like more interaction in the comments here.

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