Kellyanne Conway Took Private Jets at Taxpayer Expense
Kellyanne Conway Took Private Jets at Taxpayer Expense: Its being reported that Senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway took private flights with former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price last year at the cost of thousands of dollars to taxpayers. Wow, what a terrible waste of taxpayer money! What the hell - was her broom in the shop or something?
Trump Announces Plans to Militarize Outer Space: Donald Trump told an audience of Marines he’s considering launching an extraterrestrial branch of the military into space because outer space is a “warfighting domain.” What soldier would be stupid enough to sign up for that duty when you know everybody’s gonna refer to you as a “Space Cadet?”
Woman Strolls Into Red Sea to Give Birth: Accompanied by her husband and a doctor who specializes in water births, a Russian woman walked into the Red Sea and gave birth to a baby. I can totally relate - I was born in a sea of red ink.