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RE: Original Short Film - SCGC (Students' Cardmaster Global Championship) - 7:02 - Satire

in #satire7 years ago

So... What was my experience with University. Well, I had a 9 to 5 job, working labor in Georgia almost four years when the 2008 recession hit and I was let go. So, I figured now I will go to college lol. I did. First semester out of pocket--after that, Scholarship paid most of tuition if I maintained a "B" average (80% in USA). I studied philosophy and economics, and graduated cum laude. My goal was to become a professor. College was awesome. I focused hard mainly on my studies, but also women lol. (I did not drink or do any drugs for most of this whole time, either, which was crucial for me. ) I did however, take out more loans than I probably should have--which were quite easy to get if you were a good student--and still ended the degree with close to 40K in debt. I also worked multiple jobs intermittently during that time.

I then went for my masters, and achieved that two years later (so, 2015) for psychology. I worked for the school, which paid my tuition and a stipend, which was, I think approximately 3000 USD per year or so. Not very much. And it definitely would be difficult to have done that and another job. Either way, the process of getting the degrees was amazing, and I think it really did help me to become a more valuable person in the world. But ultimately that remains to be seen. Though I have worked since leaving school, I am presently "unemployed;" the only income being from steemit and whatever else I can muster up lol.

I am now in many thousands of dollars in debt (more from grad school, too), which I will be required to start paying like... ~300 USD per month, starting in a few months here... Idk WHAT i'll do about that... Perhaps my philosophizing will help me... Lmao. We sall she!! Anyway, thank you guys and gals for that video, it was freaking hilarious!!! Very nice work. Stay in school!! (if you want ;)


It is sad to hear that situation in your country isn't any better than what we have here, but I am glad you found efforts of finishing your education worthwhile! Thank you very much for your insightful comment. :D
Some from our team will finish their schooling, but a few of us quit pursuing other goals in life, but no matter the choice we are all pretty happy with the choices we made!

That's awesome. Yes, school is not for everyone, and of course, it is not even necessary for "success," which is quite subjectively measured anyhow lol. Either way, awesome video. It is so cool to me how your humor translated so easily into English, and remained still so funny... that is a mark of true humor/ talent. Thanks again and congratulations to your whole team :))

It depends on your choice of career, but in some carrier it is completely unneeded! Thank you for the compliments, we have published two short films here so far, but there will be more coming. At the moment we are preoccupied with finishing the demo for our video game, but once that is finished part of the team will be able to focus on some more short films :D

Really?!? A video game?? That's freakin awesome!! What kind of game is it, if I may ask.. (if it's not top secret ;)) And yes, people have many different mtivations for getting an education: To "get a job," familial/ societal pressures, networking... That last one, I think, is probably the most crucial; and something I failed miserably at while at Uni lol. It is nice to see that others, though, have been able to form and nurture these relations successfully, and maintain them too, which is the real trick lol.

I have a pretty big network and only a very small amount came through my university contacts. Most of it came from all sorts of festivals I have been visiting.

It is not top secret. :D The video game in question is a part of collaboration project with Croatian academic painter. He and his team are creating an animated series and we are creating a mobile video game based on it. We have a post with screenshots, explaining the game in greater detail, you can check it out here.

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