Satellite systems invite hackers
Ruben Santamarta, a researcher who spoke at #Black #Hat, the #security #conference that took place in the past days; the ships, the aircraft and the armies of the army exploited the mistakes of satellite systems.
The world's premier security conference, Black Hat, took place in Las Vegas, USA during the week. The issue that marked the conference was the disclosure of Ruben Santamarta, a security expert who worked in the cyber security company IOActive. According to Santamarta, satellite systems that ships, planes and even armies nowadays are a blessing for hackers. Santamarta indicates that these systems contain serious exploits and hackers can use satellite antennas as radio-frequency weapons as well as damage satellite antennas.
Ruben Santamarta stated that the telecommunications satellites and the systems used in these satellites include back doors, and thanks to these back doors, he has managed to infiltrate numerous aircraft operated by the world's largest airline companies in November and December of last year. On the other hand, the security expert stated that he did not tend to break the law but even though he did not explain the details of the process, he stated that other hackers could also use the communication satellites to infiltrate commercial aircrafts, gemiler or army vehicles. Moreover, as a result of this infiltration, it becomes possible to manage the physical objects in the vehicles.
//Physical attack is also possible//
Of course, the above mentioned #cyber part of the #attack, but Santamarta has also intelligently attacked satellite systems and stressed that a "physical attack" could be initiated. The first step in physical attacks is damage to satellite systems. A hacker leaking into the satellite system; force the output of the power to harm the satellite and harm the satellite.
//A more interesting part of the work is the use of satellites as a #physical #weapon//
According to Santamarta's assertion that #satellite #communication #technology transmits energy through radio frequencies, it is possible to direct the frequencies in case a satellite system is controlled. In this case, it may be possible to physically damage the vehicles or the passengers in the vehicle by concentrating the energy transmitted over the radio frequencies to a certain point. Santamarta explaining that this method works just like a microwave oven, if the radio frequency energy is strong enough, it is a giant microwave.
Certainly these statements from Santamarta are not supported by proven evidence. Moreover, the security expert, also avoided exemplifying these allegations, but each of the claims is extremely serious. For the moment, the only thing that is at least partly relaxing is that the avionics can not be used with the cyber attack. That is, it is not possible for a hacker who leaks from a satellite to control a plane, interfere with the meteorological pursuit, or distort the navigation system. The IOActive company is planning to remove the exploits and new updates as well as the companies that have developed communication systems and the systems used in these satellites under the leadership of Ruben Santamarta.