Jangan Sombong Seperti Iblis

in #santri6 years ago (edited)


Dulu nabi Adam AS dan Iblis laknatillah Pernah sama-sama ingkar kepada Allah, Iblis ingkar pada perintah Allah di mana dia begitu sombong mengatakan bahwa Dialah mahluk yang paling tinggi derajatnya sehinga dia mau tuntuk saat Allah Perintahkan dia untuk tunduk pada Nabi Adam dan iblis pun di hukum dengan dikeluarkan dari syurga. Sedangkan Nabi Adam As melanggar larangan yang di tetapkan Allah baginya, Nabi Adam As dilarang Allah untuk memakan Buah khuldi Namun karena Silapan Nabi Adam As memakan buah Khuldi Tersebut dan Nabi Adam AS pun Allah keluarkan Dari syurga.
walau sama sama pernah ingkar kepada Allah namun antara iblis dan Adam As punya perbedaan mendasar Iblis dengan sikap Sombongnya terus saja menteng Allah dan terus saja menggoda Anak Cucu Nabi Adam As, Artinya Iblis setelah melakan kesalahan, iblis sombong dengan keselahanya tidak menyesali kelahanya. sedangkan Nabi Adam As Juga melakukan Kesalahan yaitu tidak mentaati perintah Allah untuk tidak memakan buah khuldi, namun berbeda dengan iblis Meskipun Sama sama mendapat Sangsi di keluarkan dari surga namun Nabi Adam menyesali perbuatanya, Begitu menyesalnya Nabi Adam Ad kerena sudah melanggar larangan Allah. dalam satu riwayat dalam di katakan bahwa Nabi Adam Bersujut Sampai Bertahun Karena Malu tidak berani menunjukan Wajahnya dan air mata taubatnya dari kesalahan nya sampai menjadi Sungai.
belakangan semakin sulit saja kita membedakan antara Cucu Adam dan Iblis karena Cukup banyak manusia yang dengan sengaja melaukan kesalahan atau dia sadar bahwa dia sedang melakukan kesalahan dan tidak taat pada perintah Allah namun tidak sedikitpun ada rasa gakut pada dirinya. maka wajar saja jika ada orang2 yang milai seperti roky garong bahwa keberadaan Kitap Suci itu masih fiksi ini karena rendanya Ilmu kita sehingga terbatas lah kemapuan kita dalam memahami tanda-tanda kebenaran Kitap Suci. seperti kata pepatah Yg berisi pasti merunduk semakinta berilmu semakin sadar pula bahwa apa yang kita ketahui belum ada apa2nya jika di bandingkan dengan Sang mahangetahui Allah Azza Wa jalla.

The former Prophet Adam and the Devil blasphemy Never disobeyed God, Satan disobeyed the command of God in which he was arrogant saying that He was the supreme being so that he would demand when God commanded him to submit to Adam and the devil the law is removed from heaven. While Prophet Adam As violated the prohibitions set by God for him, Adam As forbade God to eat Fruits khuldi But because of the Prophet Adam As eating the Khuldi fruit and Adam AS even God remove From heaven.
although the same as ever rejecting God but between the devil and Adam As have the fundamental difference of Devil with his arrogant attitude continue to mentor God and continue to seduce the Son of the Prophet Adam As, Meaning Devil after the mistake, the arrogant devil whose heir does not regret his fury. while the Prophet Adam As also made the mistake of not obeying the command of God not to eat khuldi fruit, but differs from the devil Although the same as getting Sangsi removed from heaven but Prophet Adam regretted his act, So sorry Adam Ad has violated the ban of God. in an in-depth narrative that the Prophet Adam Concerned Through the Year of Shame did not dare to show His face and tears of repentance from his mistake to become a River.
Later, it is harder to distinguish between Adam and the Devil because of enough people who deliberately go wrong or he is aware that he is guilty of disobedience and disobedience to God's command but he does not have a sense of selfishness. then it would be natural if any of the people who had come to roky assume that the existence of the Cause is still this fiction because of the rendance of our Science so limited our ability to understand the signs of the Truth of the Cause. as the saying goes that it contains the subconscious and the consciousness that we know there is nothing in comparison with the Almighty God Almighty.

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