San Diego Coin needs to compete with UPLAND which is launching a San Francisco based nonopoly AR game with EOS
The name "Upland" i hope is taken from the very interesting planned community that existed on an organically successful location used by Spanish and Native Americans before the current Californians.,_California
This reminds me of my idea fo a California town called @eoscalifornia that could be a town out in the desert ala the movie transcendence with Johnny Depp.
Anyway @uplandme is just incredible and they have a website you can join mobile, code "venturebeat" access it on MOBILE only here limited to first 1000 users
I PLAN to finish my NEXTDOOR style dapp and THEN have my OWN Augmented reality game ive already been planning locally for San Diego since the days of I will try to get them to come to telos and help me incorperate san diego into the game OR I will compete and create my OWn game. Eitehr way, one fo the two wll happen as I build out mny MMORPG in real life with keylontic Science Larping
We can have some incredible systems in place for google maps, @dlux-io oculus rift or quest and uplandme @challengedac and have it all working together for a game that lets you make your local life come alive and youll see ratings and stats of all these local residents and wehen you put on the oculus helmet youll see through walls and see all the people in your area also in the game., we will not escape to an oasis but enhance our existing planet, i am i imagining seeing a giant 3d round earth simulation that you can look DOWN into so the molten magma will be visible AND audible! i am imagining you can see the earth like a nintendo wii weather map :D
Im so excited I can barely think straight! hah just come to where I'll explain how i can use to have the FIRST layer foundation on EOS, (well after steem) to have CATEGORIES for Nextdoor style things, we COULD start with tags on 9 which by the way needs a new website name, so ill get like as the redirect maybe.. or maybe ill do so it will be the San DIego Coin POST, and the verb "to post"
yeah here we go is live
Also I got going to the SAND token website... and going to Steem San Diego because I need to rebrand to not just be STEEM SAN DIEGo but just SAND so people know Steem is just the tool used to distribute and earn the tokens via SCOT bot like @appics is using steem for the social media, while the EOS is used for the smarty contracts and the volume and trading. at least thats a very simplistic way to look at it
I have MUCH to learn from appics and much to teach but I will take a back seat and just let them develop amazing steem based apps! I hope to get my own progressive web app connect to Steem ina way that Andromo and Good Barber can allow ANYONE to connect, via nbitrosu and keychain or steem wallet mobile or steemconnect integration in Andromo right around the corner if we wanted.

SAND is on EOS, Steem and Telos!
Watch for the telos Newdex listing! EOS newdex trades may ne congested buyt Telos trading may start working fine! ;)