There are many serious consequences for voting yes - Kaos1973
If marriage isn't just between a man and a woman who can it be between? Will they stop at M+M and F+F or will it expand to polygamy? Will religious groups and the paedophile lobby seek to have child spouses?
If it's legal for 2 men or 2 women to be legally married and given the exact same standing as man and wife then gender neutral terms MUST be enforced. Think about the reach of social justice now to prosecute wrong think and non conformity. There will be a whole raft of new laws, powers and investigators to police language and offensive behaviour. Look to the behaviour on college campuses across the Western world to see where this is heading.
The rabbit hole is vast and exhaustive. I encourage you all to play it out based on what you are seeing on the news and alternative media. Do you really think that if the homosexual lobby wins this battle they will pack up and be happy and never keep pushing for change? The revolution NEVER ends - they just keep moving the goal posts!
Appeasement never wins an argument. If you do not stand for anything - you will fall for everything. Our civilisation is not ours to throw away after our ancestors fought and died for such rare treasure and beauty.
Make a stand against cultural Marxism and the totalitarian left. Vote NO!