It's ok to be what???? The Adventures of Sally S.
What the heck is this nonsense going on? It's okay to be white? Why the hell would it not be okay?
Look how white I am!
So I heard about this college somewhere, that someone put up a bunch of flyers around the school that said "It's okay to be white". So these student got all freaked out about it??? So freaked out they called the police! What is wrong with people these days? Just because I am white, does it make me evil? I mean sure, I have had a few incidents with some dogs but, but, I, I, had to do it. Then there was that big snake......... That boat load of tourists........The lobster........ The burrito................ The chicken...........
Wait a minute
Maybe I am evil?? Maybe it's not okay to be white? Nah, it is okay to be white.
Never mind
Tata for now.,
Sally S.