10 qualities of awesome closers

in #sales7 years ago (edited)

Sales, technology, ​and customer satisfaction are a couple of my passions. I would not say that I am one of the best salesmen on the planet, however, I would say I am pretty darn close. I cannot be the best because I have seen salesmen and women way more advanced than me in this field especially for Realtors and B2B folks. Here are what I think from my call center experience 10 qualities that I have witnessed exceptional salespeople​ carry.

1. Confidence# - You must believe you are a good salesman. If you believe you are horrible in sales, then you will be horrible in sales.

2. Likability# - No one will buy something from a salesman​n they do not like. People buy from people they like. If you come off as a jerk, I can almost guarantee that most of the time you are not closing that deal.

3. Genuine# - You have to truly care about your customer and their needs. If you truly care and show it, the customer more than likely will see it. If you do not close the deal now they may end up coming back and buying later or at least referring.

4. The ability to shrug off # - Even if you are having a bad day you need to leave your worries in another building. Over time I have learned to never take it personally. I have had so much rejection thrown at me that by now I have become immune to anything anyone can possibly say. After several thousand times you may become this way too. Do not take it personal and move on to the next potential client.

5. Negotiation# - A great salesman can negotiate. Being able to negotiate and meet your customer in what they may consider half way can go a long way.

6. Understanding# - If the customer tells you they do not have the money the worst thing you can do is force them to buy and hope they will. If they do not have the money at the time, ask them when will they? If they cannot afford your product or service keep it moving to the next potential client. You cannot understand if you are not listening.

8. Closing# - The ability to get the customer to commit. I do not care how many sales schools you have gone to... if you cannot close that deal your training was worthless. Do not mean to be harsh, but some folks are just not sales material. Elite closers are not created they are born.

9. Passion # - You have to love what you do. I love selling and closing. I love when a customer calls me back to say they are happy with the services provided and the way one of our employees treated them. I get call backs all the time from customers thanking our company and that makes me proud.

10. Believing in your product# - If you do not believe in what you sell then how can your customer believe in what they are buying. If you truly believe in your product and service the customer will see your genuine enthusiasm and more likely to purchase from you.

My name is Kedesh, and you may know me from my blog Tech Under The Sun. I learned through time, what I am not. It took me a long time to realize I am a closer and I close. I am a salesman and professional who started from the floor and have made and taken so many phone calls in my life that I could easily estimate that I am well over a quarter million calls since the age of 18. Some more seasoned telemarketers and call center agents might even be in well over the million mark. Remember to be good in sales you do not need to be a Professor in English or a highly skilled Mathematician... You just need to know how to close.

I value customer satisfaction just as much as a good sale. Providing a good service and backing it up with awesome customer service is one of the easiest ways you can create awesome referrals. Before you know it the neighbor of your customers end up calling you because they know you have a heart, reputation and you back up whatever you say you will do. This is how you create a sales referral pipeline.

Before I end this post I will leave you with number 7

7. Pays Attention - # A good salesperson will pay attention and cross their t's and dot their i's. Missing key buying signs can cause you to lose the sale. Pay attention to your prospect and look for indications they are ready to buy!

Thank you for reading!!



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