Keep Yourself Safe During Hospitalizations And Medical Procedures.
I understand how many things can go wrong in a hospital - and how traumatic the experience can be, resulting in poor healing and even PTSD. I urge you to take this article seriously because it could save your life (or the life of a loved one), help you avoid terrible mistakes while in the hospital, and help you have a truly healing experience.
When preparing for a medical procedure, hospitalization, or surgery, knowledge and careful preparation are essential. This will boost your confidence, reduce anxiety, increase your safety, reduce stress, strengthen your immune system, and help you avoid a variety of mistakes.
Make plans to be an active member of your health team rather than a passive participant.
Expect to get better and commit to doing everything possible before any medical procedure to strengthen your immune system, body, and positive mindset.
Get a second, third, or even fourth opinion on your diagnosis and treatment options. Before committing to any surgery or medical treatment, including chemo or radiation, you must be completely informed of your options. Go online and conduct your own research.
Select the least invasive treatment option available. Don't let anyone persuade you to have a surgery or procedure you don't need! You're in charge here, so use it.
Sign your medical consent forms at least a few days before your surgery/procedure/hospitalization. Check them twice for accuracy! It's a good idea to have someone else read them as well. Mistakes are common in this environment: if I hadn't checked mine on one occasion, I would have lost several very healthy organs. Remember, even at the last minute, you can change your mind and refuse your surgery/treatment. Remember, it's your body.
Consult with a hypnotherapist several times prior to surgery or procedure. Hypnosis can help you overcome your fears, achieve deep relaxation, boost your confidence, prevent complications and side effects, strengthen your immune system, reduce bleeding and pain, and generally keep you calm during and after your medical experience. You'll receive a recording that will allow you to rehearse your upcoming procedure/surgery, increasing your ability to relax and programming your mind to heal faster afterwards. Your Hypnotherapist can incorporate any specific medical needs into your recording with the assistance of your doctor.
Double-check with your insurance carrier before your procedure/surgery to ensure exactly what your insurance covers, so you don't get any nasty surprises.
Confirm that your surgeon or doctor will be available both immediately following your procedure and in the days that follow. Find out who will be available if they are not. You don't want to be without their assistance in an emergency!
Food or drug allergies/intolerances: Always double-check all medications and foods given to you! Hospitals frequently make mistakes. If you are admitted to the hospital, make sure you have a wristband and a placard over your bed stating your special needs in addition to what is written on your chart!
If you are going to be hospitalized, bring a loved one with you. This will increase your sense of security, confidence, and well-being. With prior arrangement, some hospitals will allow them to sleep in your room. You must have a patient advocate with you! Ask them to stay in your room with you for the first few days after surgery.
Always keep your call buzzer handy! Use tape to secure it to the bed frame, or wrap it around the frame. After surgery, do not leave your bed without assistance; if you move into a chair, take your buzzer with you. You may require it in an emergency.
Speak up to request and complain about what you require. No one, not even a doctor, should bully or belittle you! If this occurs, notify a Patient Advocate or the head of nursing immediately. According to studies, outspoken patients heal much faster than silent patients.
Obtain permission ahead of time to bring in a CD player or headphones/cellphone with soothing music to listen to during your surgery or procedure. This will help you heal faster and stay relaxed.
Make sure everyone, including visitors, washes their hands before touching you, and that everyone, including your doctor, wears fresh gloves.
Understand the pain medications you'll be taking during and after your procedure/surgery; make sure you're not allergic to them. Morphine does not work to relieve pain in about 15% of patients; I was one of these, and I suffered horribly until a doctor finally believed me and changed my pain medications.
Be in excellent physical condition prior to your procedure/surgery. Eat wisely, take your supplements, and exercise to recover quickly.
Leave your jewelry, especially piercings, at home. They can become disoriented and obstruct healing.
Everything should go smoothly! Ask for protection and quick healing from God, Divine Spirit, your Angels, Guides, and Higher Power both before and after your surgery or procedure. Imagine yourself as healthy and happy as a result of this experience.
Request that a member of your healing team repeat several times before, during, and after your surgery or procedure: "You will heal quickly and perfectly after your ."
Include special requests such as "You will be free of nausea and pain, and will remain relaxed and calm throughout your healing process."
You'll be glad you did if you follow these suggestions! And much healthier.
You require peace of mind during a health crisis or challenge. Confidence in your doctors and hospitals. However, terrible things can happen while in the hospital, undergoing surgery, or receiving medical treatments.