Safety and Safety Shoes
All safety tools are personal protective equipment that every field worker must use for extreme working conditions as a means of personal protective equipment. but there are not many companies or employees who do not pay close attention to this, and many still leave it aside. accidents can happen anytime and anywhere do not know the time and place, do not look at it child who, if it happens, it will happen work accident. equip yourself with safety equipment will protect yourself from dangerous threats that happen every time.
In Indonesia is still very minimal about safety concerns, be it large companies and small companies that overshadow workers and their own workers who do not care about safety equipment. this is what makes the workers become uncomfortable and safe in work. there are many situations of working conditions that make workers insecure and extremely vulnerable to accidents while working, especially in extreme working conditions.
There are so many big companies that have not been able to run safety for their workers, things like this that will threaten the security and safety of employees.
Occupational safety equipment shall be used to protect themselves from the dangers that threaten corporate officers and visitors. then it should be the company and the workers themselves pay more attention to safety work.
Use of safety shoes for workers is highly recommended, even the world's work safety agencies require employees to use safety shoes to protect themselves from harm while working. standards for the use of safety equipment have been set in the OHSAS as a safety guide.