Occupational Safety and Health Month by 2018
To commemorate the day or month of Occupational Health and Safety held every 12th of January to 12th of February each year, this national movement fosters continuous Occupational Safety and Health in order to implement Occupational Safety and Health activities of the provisions of Law No. 1 of 1970 and encourage the achievement of independence of the Indonesian Nation Culture and mebudayakan Safety and Health of Work in 2020.
In implementing the monthly warning Occupational safety and health has been regulated in the Minister of Manpower Decree N0 386 Year 2014 on the Safety and Health Month Period Directive Year 2015-2019. The annual theme theme and Occupational Safety and Health Month has been determined as follows:
- quoteThe theme of the National Occupational Safety and Health Month of 2015 is "Through the Implementation of Health and Safety Management System We Make Indonesia Culture of Occupational Health and Safety in Facing Free Trade".
- The theme of the National Occupational Safety and Health Month of 2016 is "Promote a Work Safety and Health Culture to Encourage Productivity and Competitiveness in International Markets".
- The theme of the National Occupational Safety and Health Month of 2017 is "With a culture of occupational safety and health We Improve the Quality of Human Life Toward a Safe, Healthy and Productive Society".
- The theme of the National Occupational Safety and Health Month of 2018 is "Through the Culture of Occupational Health and Safety Encouraging the Establishment of a Characteristic Nation".
- The theme of the National Occupational Safety and Health Month of 2019 is "Realizing Independence of Indonesia Cultured Culture of Occupational Safety and Health to Support National Economic Stability".
Activities that can be done in the event warning of Occupational Safety and Health Month this form:
1. Strategic Activities
quoteNational Occupational Safety and Health Month Planning
The National Occupational Safety and Occupational National Flag Ceremony (held in January, for the dates adjusted for each condition)
Award for Occupational Safety and Health
Convention / presentation / Workshop / Workshop
Establishment of the Work Accident Investigation Committee
and others
**2. Activities that promote occupational safety and health **
Installation of safety and health banners, banners, banners, and HSE billboards
HSE Exhibition
HSE socialization and publication
HSE social action
HSE careful smart
and others
3. Activities that are Implementative
Assessment of HSE awards
Audit Safety and health management system
Guidance and Testing of HSE licenses
Inspection and / or testing of HSE objects
Handling of accident cases
Labor health inspection
Measurement and testing of an orderly working environment in the HSE Field
Interesting post