How to safely and securely claim your Litecoin Cash from the Litecoin Hard Fork
If you hold #Litecoin ( #LTC) in a Litecoin Core wallet at the time of the #hard-fork on Sunday 18th February 2018, you will also find you now possess ten times the quantity in Litecoin Cash ( #LCH) too.
However you will need to claim it manually!
I will show exactly you how to claim your Litecoin Cash safely and without putting your current Litecoin balances at risk.
The process simplified:
Ensure you hold Litecoin in either the core wallet application or have access to the private keys.
Wait for hard-fork to snapshot the current Litecoin balances.
Create a brand-new wallet (important: not a new address in your current wallet).
Send your old Litecoin wallet balance to the new wallet
Claim Litecoin Cash from the old (now empty wallet) that held LTC before the snapshot.
Step 1. Staying safe
Before we begin, set a bloody password on your Litecoin core wallet and save the password somewhere safe (and not to the same computer).
If you don’t know how to do this:
Launch Litecoin Core
Click Settings > Encrypt Wallet
Litecoin Core will restart and your wallet is now protected.
Step 2. Back it up!
You will need to make sure Litecoin core is closed for this step.
The easiest way to backup (your now encrypted wallet) is to rename the file, on Windows machines the file is located in the following folder:
(I would also make a copy of this backup somewhere else to be safe)
Step 3. Get a new wallet
Now when you open the Litecoin Core application a new wallet.dat file will be generated automatically. Don’t panic if you see a zero balance, this is what we want, the balance is still in the old wallet.
Set a bloody password on this one too!
We need to now get the LTC address of your new wallet (as we are sending all your coins to this address):
The easiest way to do this is click file > receiving addresses then copy