How to Become a Master at Manifestation or Magick--The Foundation Chapter 1
The world is filled with wickedness. It is there within you. The utmost good and the lowest evil are diametrically opposed. Learn about yourself or you risk being misled into expressing the lowest evil.
Shekhem Ra
Whoever reads this material is a heavenly person. We are not made of flesh and blood. We are divine beings who occupy the flesh for a short period, but our true state of existence is permanent, eternal, and immovable. Most of what we have learnt in Western culture has been taught to us as a method of controlling, restricting, and manipulating us. The majority of mankind in the Western world has received a false education, which causes pain as a result of incoherence between the WORD one knows to be true and the real REALITY that demonstrates truth. Not just dark people, but all individuals who lack self-awareness, are mental, emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical slaves. YOU ARE A DIVINE BEING.
I will not be ambiguous in my letter, so please allow me to be as specific as possible. MAN is created in the image of GOD. This assertion is supported by a number of religious sources, including the Upanishad, Quran, Holy Bible, and Kabbala. Man is called Muntu by the Bantu people of South Africa, and God is also named Muntu. God, The Supreme Essence, Allah, Ain Soph, the Creator, and other names all refer to the same entity that lives within man's being. Though man does not have the same magnitude as God, he nevertheless contains all of GOD's attributes. Man is only a drop in the ocean, whereas God is the ocean itself. The secret to producing so-called miracles is to be aware of one's divinity.
Throughout their life, everyone has unintentionally utilized this talent. After reading Rhonda Burns' The Secret, I directly experienced the so-called law of attraction. Books like these are extremely hazy and limited in scope. While I discovered that we generally generate our experiences depending on our ideas, I also discovered that we subconsciously manifest undesirable events in the same frequency. This book deconstructs the science of manifesting one's experience. I will offer accurate knowledge that will free the person from the existing paradigm that has enslaved civilization.
When I was 19, I decided to continue my magical adventure. I bought Rhonda Burn's The Secret and began picturing many worlds, the majority of which ended in an actual experience. I went to the United States Military Academy for college, and during my first year there, I got heavenly message that I had the capacity to draw certain events into my life at will. I initially used this so-called principle of attraction by picturing a butterfly with two wings, one blue and one orange, with three red circles within each wing and a black outline around the wing. Not only did I materialize seeing this butterfly while awake, but I also manifested seeing it while sleeping. However, I saw it at Eagles Stadium during the winter (it was -2 degrees) during the Army Navy football game. Yes, the butterfly flew directly over my head in a football stadium in subfreezing temperatures. I sensed there was something concealed about this reality at the time. I knew I was more than what teachers in the public schools I attended indicated. This book will provide readers with the skills they need to manifest their own realities and conduct their own magick at will.