What's in a Name: Autonomy or Exit for Sabah
Since MA63 and Sabah Autonomy or Independence is a hot topic..which will be easier to talk about? Let's check it out.
If Sabah stays in the Federation and goes the road of AUTONOMY.
"Sabah + Autonomy = SAUTONOMY". Nothing special until you change it to BM and it becomes "Sabah + Otonomi = SOTONOMI".
Sounds like a new noodle dish. Soto Ekonomi anyone? Remember I coined the phrase first so any royalties, please send to...oh never mind, lifetime supply of Sotonomi also can.
How about if Sabah decides to EXIT?
"Sabah + Exit = SEXIT". Hmm. That hashtag may not make it through some firewalls and imagine teaching that in schools..."Students, today we shall talk about Sabah history after Sexit"...snigger snigger..
Change it to BM and "Sabah + Keluar = SELUAR".
Cannot win..may be better to STAY and we can be Sabah + Stay = SATAY.