Steem4nigeria Accelerator Contest Week 34: Time Changes (24 March, 2024).


Happy Sunday dear friends, it's been a long time I posted here. I have decided to put in my contribution in this wonderful topic'Time changes' because I'm deeply affected by the changes in Nigeria. Change, they say is constant which is true. While some changes are positive, others tend to be negative. Reminiscing about the past 10 years, one is bound to wonder what led to the situation of things. A lot has really changed in all areas of the economy, ranging from the high cost in living, to accelerated increase in crime to the way the 21st century children live. Life is getting more difficult and people are striving harder to live. The amount of money that could purchase 20 ingredients in the market ten years ago cannot purchase even one quarter of the item now. The rate of kidnapping has increased and kidnappers no more hide themselves to do their thing, they go in broad daylight, example is the incident that occurred in the north some weeks ago where over 150 school children were kidnapped in broad daylight by 8am in the morning. Ten years ago, they wouldn't have had the boldness and effrontery to do that. Currently, even with first class or second class upper with masters, one has to strive hard to get a job but it wasn't like this some years ago. This shows how bad things are. Now, people live in fear of one another, because of the changes in the world, but some years ago, you could even eat and sleep in your neighbours house. Time has really changed and people have changed with the times.

Mention 5 things that was there in your country 10 years back that isn't here now?

A lot of things has changed within the past 10 years. Even as at 10 years ago, desktop computers, desktop phones and letter writing was common, this was still a common means of communication but currently, these are outdated. 10 years back, when a student wants to write UTME, the student has to buy the form and fill it manually, queue up to get the slip and take the exams manually, but currently the same exams is computer base. A student does everything online abd the exams is taken with computer. Ten years ago, commercial motorcycles were allowed to play major roads but currently, they can only play streets off major roads. 10 years ago one could purchase a lot of commodities with a little amount of money but currently even with three times of that money, one might not be able to purchase one quarter of the items one could purchase 10 years ago. Years ago, farmers were seen as uneducated people who made farming their main occupation but currently, most people tend to turn to farming as their side occupation in order to make things more affordable for themselves. Years ago, one had to go to a physical office to get what he or she wants, to make inquiries or to purchase things in the supermarket. But currently, one can sit even at the comfort of one's home to get anything done, even to order foods or to purchase a house or even to apply for visa. Years ago, people would see buying of shredded leaves at the market as laziness but currently, one can find different varieties of shredded leaves at the market and some people don't think twice before purchasing. Years back, people would have been shocked to see a 1year, 6 months old child start school, but currently we have children who start school as early as 1 year. Years back, there were phones like Sony Ericsson, Motorola, blackberry phones that came with pin, 2go networking site but this can't be found again. Even banks like oceanic banks are no more.


Is the value of currency used in your country appreciating or depreciating

Naira, the value of my country is depreciating and this is making things very difficult for the people in the economy, because the amount of naira that could purchase some goods in the past cannot purchase triple of the same goods now. The masses are really suffering from this, food was cheaper in the past, rice was the food for even the common Man especially on Sundays, but due to naira depreciating, one cannot purchase even a cup of rice now because it is quite expensive. Some households cannot afford three Square meals, some even manage one. Unfortunately, the more the naira depreciates, the more the quality of goods depreciates and the more prices increases on these goods.

Deliberate on the prices of 5 commodities in your country 10 years back and now.

Let me start with commodities that affect the common Man since they are the one suffering more from the depreciation of naira. The major commodity is Garri, this is food that is eaten in virtually all homes in Nigeria, both rich and poor. 10 years back, one could get three cups of Garri for 100 naira meaning six cups was 200 Naira, but currently, a cup of garri is 150 naira meaning just six cups of Garri cost almost a thousand naira. Transportation too has increased due to the change in fuel price. Fuel price affects everything in the economy because people need transportation to go wherever they want to go to, to produce things and transport it from one place to another,fuel is needed in every aspect whether as a producer a consumer, currently, distance people paid 50 naira to as at 2014 is currently 200 Naira. Beans is another common food found in Nigerian households. 10 years ago, a cup of white beans was 60 naira while a custard bucket was 850 naira but currently a cup of white beans is 200 Naira while a custard bucket is 2,500. The price of sugar has also skyrocketed. Some years ago, 8 cubes of sugar was sold for 100 Naira while a packet of sugar was sold for 600 Naira but currently, a packet of sugar is sold for 1200 naira while 3 cubes of sugar is sold for 50 naira and six cubes for 100 naira. Another item that can be found everywhere in Nigeria, in households, traffic lights, shops,supermarkets, streets is satchet water. It was affordable some years ago. A sachet water was sold for 5 Naira and a bag of sachet water containing 20 was sold for 700 naira but currently, a bag is 350 naira and each sachet water is sold for 30 Naira and in some places 50 naira. This has made it difficult for the common Nigeria to be able to buy it even on the street when he is thirsty.



Has these changes affected you? If yes, how. If no, tell us your secrets

These changes has affected everyone in Nigeria even me. The prices of commodity keeps increasing yet employees are still getting the same salary and buying things at a higher price, making the salary to finish before the end of the month. I'm affected by the high cost of everything because before i spend, I have to think twice knowing that the salary of less than 3) thousand is for 30 days. I have to cut down on the way I eat and cut off from eating things I can't really afford right now. Most Nigerians think of quantity rather than quality now because of the high cost and low quantity. Also, I have to look at where I'm working, my transport fare to the place, if my salary doesn't cover transportation, I can't work there. The major area this change has affected me is in education. School fees has increased. Federal universities used to be affordable with fees less than a 100 thousand naira but currently, this isn't so. This has made me stop my dream of going back to school to continue my education because I can't start and stop mid way. I have also come to the realisation that keeping one job isn't enough if I have to survive, this is why most Nigerians currently have more than one job due to the biting economy. I have also cut down on fashion, I rather go for quality, and since hair extensions is now for the rich, I improvise by keeping my hair virgin and making it in a natural way. I am also thinking of going into small scale farming to have some food stuffs for myself rather than buy it at a high price. Right now, it's all about survival of the fittest, anyone who waits on the government waits in vain so it's every man for himself.

No more hair extensions but virgin hair
All shots taken from Infinix note 5

I invite @etette
@xkool24 to join in this contest.


To correctly share your X link, use this tag #steem #steemit $steem and any other relevant tag you wish (#steem4nigeria).
Thank you

Your closing line intrigued me ...
"No more hair extension but Virgin hair".

Despite being comical reflects how low the value of naira has fallen. I love the post as it is detailed and eloquently described. Your penmanship I must say is amazing. Thanks for the invite.

justifying and adding more paragraphs to your work would make it more beautiful.

Kudos on such beautiful write-up
Love ya

Thank you, i appreciate

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