Why RWBY is a GREAT Show
About a month and a half ago- I discovered RWBY. I first became intrigued when hearing a few songs of the soundtrack on my Pandora station. I saw that it wad done by the company Rooster Teeth (based in Austin TX, so about 3 hours away from me), so I asked my brother about it and he told me it was a good show. So, I gave it a shot. And boy, was I not prepared for what I got myself into.
It. Was. Awesome.
In a short month and a half, I binge watched all 3 volumes and watched the new up and coming 4th volume every Saturday the moment they were released. I became obsessed, quick. And me being a young student filmmaker in Texas, I decided to write about what I gained from watching the show and what about it was just so darned good.
Female Empowerment. The makers of the show said before that they don't make cool male or female characters, they just make cool characters. And these in the show just happen to be female. And calling them cool, is an understatement. But whether it was intentional or not, there is no denying the leadership and strength these female lead characters hold. They are each their own independent fighter, whether it be the Grimm or their personal problems at home. They are all remarkable in their own unique way, and it's so refreshing to watch. The idea of strong female leads in not uncommon in amine's (whether you consider RWBY as an anime or not, it's beside the point), but these girls are special.
Non-Prejudice as a whole. It's interesting because they certainly touch on the subject of prejudice quite a bit with the whole faunus thing (aka half humans half animals). They don't pay any attention to who's male or female, who's black or white, or a chameleon (literally). But a big part of one of the main females Blake, is greatly shaped by the prejudices she has faced as a faunus. that's why she holds such a special place in my heart- she is just that much more relatable. It's gives us an outside perspective on the concept, but can still make a distinct connection with us.
I mentioned the music before, but seriously guys. It is so good. Listen below:
The animation. It's weird to watch at first, especially if you're like me and had NO idea what to expect. but it quickly grows on you. It just simply adds it's own uniqueness to the show in general. It's a 3D web series, and it may take some getting used to, but just stick with it. It really does make a difference. It makes the show even more enjoyable in my honest opinion.
The world of Remnant. The whole concept of this show is just mind-boggling to me. I mean, these writers and animators have managed to create an entire different universe, visually and story-wise, and they grab us instantly and hold onto us tight and leave us begging for more at the end of each episode. How do they do it? As an artist, it's this that inspired me the most. To have the ability to create something that is not only new and exciting, but also gripping and enjoyable.
ALL the characters are likeable. Well, except Jacques. The show is so great in this area especially. Throughout this show I think I have hated every character at least once, but at the end always fall back in love with them. This is incredibly impressive. I mean, it wouldn't really be a good story if all of these characters were perfect right? We get bored with perfect. It's the mistakes and the struggle that makes these characters that much more admirable. The lovable idiot like Jaune, the bossy Weiss, the quiet and mysterious Ren, we find a way to love them all. Even the bad guys. Example is Neo, the girl who never speaks, still presents herself in such a way that we just can't help but be completely fixated by her. Each character, good, bad, and supporting ones, all have a way to absorb us and keep us captivated. They are what make the show so damn good.
Don't believe me? Go watch RWBY now. On their website RoosterTeeth, or Youtube, or the first 3 volumes even on Netflix. If you like anime, do yourself a favor and experience this wonderful land of RWBY. I promise you won't regret it.
I'd also like to add that there is ample development in the major characters; as of now (Volume 5), pretty much none of the major characters are the same as they were at the start, and have changed that have made sense in the context of the series. And while I enjoy the fun and cute nature of the show, I really appreciate thet the writers know how to... play, with your expectations. It's one of the series greatest strengths I think.
Not to mention that the series looks gorgeous from volume 3 on.