Dynamics Behind the (Imminent?) Collapse and Restart of the Global Financial System

in #rv7 years ago

I received this email from a friend who, like me, in around 2010 looked at the national debt/annual deficits/valuelessness of that $20 bill in your hand and started digging into what was really going on. He does a rather amazing job of connecting a lot of dots concisely and clearly to explain why and how we may well be on the verge of the collapse of the global financial system and/or implementation of the next one.

Here are his thoughts:

I was just thinking about the hypothecation of our birth certificates, and of over 300,000,000 others in the US.

Rumor has it they place a $9m value on birth certificates nowadays. So, lets take $5m as an average, though I'm quite sure it has been higher for quite some time.
Anyhow, $5m multiplied by 330,000,000 equates to $1.65 quadrillion in debt notes (FRN, USD), which of course, is then inserted into the bankrupt system, where only credit and debits are allowed. Lawful currency is not. In the system, as you may know, they then utilize fractional reserve banking to multiply the ledgers in exponential manners.

Ok, why does this matter?

Well, just to make sure you understand (which I believe you do), central banking notes are not printed out of thin air, as controlled opposition in the Liberty movement discuss. They are correct, to some degree, but they are not disclosing the most important part, which includes the "rebels", because they won't talk about the shit that the hands that feed them don't want them talking about. They don't explain how all of our lifetime estimated labor is hypothecated the day that we come into this world, and then used by corrupt agents, brokers and conmen of the banks, courts, cities, counties, states and feds, on a commission basis, which is how these assholes make a living.

I mention the derivatives, because as you may understand, the United States of America (corporation) has been operating in bankruptcy since 1933, with two bankruptcies prior to that...and is also operating under martial law since 1861 when the southern Congressmen walked out of Congress, permanently disabling Congress to obtain a quorum and act in a Constitutional manner, as per the Constitution for the united States of America. (with "for" and a small "u" in united). Because the US corporation operates under bankruptcy, all of its franchises must do so also, which includes all states, counties, cities, banks, courts, and citizens...because we are all knowing, or unknowing, franchisees of this bankruptcy.

When the inbreds in the corporate government and banks ran out of schemes, they created derivatives, which, as you know, amount to "financial instruments" based purely on bullshit. They have derived value from two crooks making bets with the debt ledger created by our birth certificate hypothecation.

Why is this important? I'm almost there.

It's important, because derivatives were structured to operate outside of bankruptcy law, so when the system collapses, the derivatives contracts must be paid, using the bank accounts of all who believe their "money" is sitting safe in their bank, protected by FDIC insurance.

If the revaluation is going on now, and those seeking to put it in place are able to do so, then we can avoid the derivatives maggots of this world from wiping out all ledgers of those who worked their entire lives for what they believe to be their life savings.

Some say that the derivatives exposure (which will try to take first position in any bankruptcies) upwards of $6 quadrillion worldwide, but for all we know it is much higher. Some say lower. I'm quite sure it will more than likely coincide with the simple mathematics of taking the population of the earth, and multiplying it by a set amount ($2m?) and that is what the inbreds of this world are using as the time in which their gig is up, and they pull the plug, and turn the lights out for a bit, as the dust settles, people die, and they can try to wash their consciences clear. $16 quadrillion would be the approximate hypothecated amounts at all of our time of birth revenues. That's probably what is about to dry up. The massive amounts made on fractional reserve banking multiplication is what the bank agents, mortgage companies, etc pocket, so that is another story.

This has nothing to do with the process...just sharing how all of this corrupt shit is far more corrupt and disgusting than any of us actually understood.

I'm pretty certain that most of the Libertarian and Anarchy business is controlled opposition. They never talk about this stuff, and that is for a reason.

Question is now...what will happen when the revaluation occurs? Clearly, depopulation is a goal of the criminals of this world, so I cannot imagine they would mix in financial wealth for those they are actively murdering with vaccines, GMOs, chemtrails, war, etc.

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