in #russia6 years ago

At one us site has an article. It explained that the American public cannot be saying and doing in Russia. Text of article is very zanjaten. Interesting may seem not so much advice about Russian Customs how much their interpretation and opposed to Western traditions.

Sometimes knowing that you don't need to do more, if you want to find a place or make a good impression. In this article you will learn about ten Russian taboo, according to Americans. 

1. Do not come to visit with empty hands.

If you are invited in for dinner, or just to visit, don't come home without anything to the Russians. What you bring is not too important: box of chocolates, flowers or a small toy for their child. Russian owners are prepared to receive guests, preparing their best dishes and delicacies, buying for themselves they don't usually buy. If, after so much effort, the Russians will meet guest who brought them not even flower, it would seem that he doesn't care.

2. Take your shoes off when you go into someone's home.

Russian flats carpeted floors. This is often expensive Persian Ko rea with intricate patterns, which are not so easy to peel, like a normal American carpet. In addition, many Russians go on the dusty streets, and not just in that House from the car. For these reasons, as well as centuries-old traditions, the Russians take off their shoes when entering a home.The hosts usually wear slippers (Teh-punch-slippers); going to a party, women tend to capture a pair of good shoes to wear them indoors. Of course, if you do not remove the shoes, no one will say. But the exhilaration and eyes — can you are the only one sitting at a table in a snow-covered boots.

3. No kidding about the parents.

Russian nepolitkorrektny. So, please, tell jokes, based on gender, vneshnostnyh and ethnic stereotypes; but the refrain about jokes about someone's mothers or fathers — you will not understand.

4. Do not speak as the toast "cheers!".

People who do not speak Russian, usually think they know one Russian phrase for toast-"На здоровье!". However, they do not know that «На здоровье!» (nuh zdah-rohv — for health), the Russians say, when they thank for a deliciously prepared dish. In Polish "На здоровье", or something like that, is a traditional phrase for the toast. On the other hand, Russians like to invent something long and complex as "За дружбу между народами" (droomzh zah-boo-doo myezh nuh-roh-duh — To friendship between nations!). If you want to say the typical Russian toast, say "За Вас!" (zuh To you!)

5. Do not take "last shirt".

Russian proverb "отдать последнюю рубашку" (aht-dent pahs-lied-nyu-yu room-bash — to give away one s last shirt) to give something, regardless of what it will cost you. In Russia offer guests everything they want, is a sign of politeness. Such desires may not be limited to meals or overnight; Russian old temper can offer you any subject about which you speak, like paintings on the wall, a vase or a sweater.However, if you offer something, not necessarily this take. Russians don't offer things because they want to get rid of them — they offer them to make you a pleasant. So, if you don't think the looting of their homes decent idea, one should not simply take suggested and leave. First stop, and then a couple more times because the owners insist. Take a gift only if you want this particular thing, but then repay good for good, giving owners of something good in return.

6. Don't dress too easy.

Russians dress up more often than Americans. Even a simple stroll Russian women wear a pair of high heel and fashionable dresses. Hardened feminists say they do this because they harass and oppress, but Russian women explain it this way: "we live only once and I want to look and feel as good as possible.In some cases, all foreigners, regardless of gender, are the most modestly dressed people in a room. Usually this happens on festive gathering or trips to the theater. Camping in restaurant is also considered to be an event which is not worth coming in jeans and a t-shirt, no matter how formal you feel. In any case, ask about the dress code before you go somewhere.

7. Don't pay chipped in.

This Russian cardinally differ from Western Europeans. They don't pay a potluck. So if you invite young lady who argued for a date, don't expect that it will pay for itself — neither the restaurant nor in any other place. Of course, you can offer it to pay for itself, but then you put into question the chance to see her again. It may not even be with no money. A Russian woman would take money out on a date with a man only if it assumes that its invited maniac and her need to escape through the back door.

8. Do not let women to wear the gravity.

This rule can be annoying fans of political correctness, but the Russians believe that men are physically stronger than women.Therefore, you pokazhetes them rude if you just stand there and watch as a woman carries something heavy.

9. Be polite to the elderly in public transport.

When the Russians come to America and go on public transport, their surprise that young people sit, and the mature stand next. In America do not understand, here you can take suggestion to offend an elderly person. In Russia, if you don't give the place an elderly person or pregnant woman, the entire bus will look at you as a criminal. Women, even (or especially) young too often concede seats on public transport. But this is not required. However, the climb and suggest place elderly you have.

10. Play not publicly.

Manifestations of work your body in society are considered extremely impolite, even if the resulting sound is long and expressive, and its author is proud of this. Moreover, if it still happens (we all living people), do not apologise. Apologizing, you acknowledge his involvement and refer to the fact that more attention. Russians, meanwhile, horrified by what happened, they will pretend that nothing is noticed, or quietly blame the dog. Of course, even though they do not submit if you do not want to have you stayed in their memory because of this case, refrain from this in the company.

Articles about Russia:
Foreigners say about Russian speech 

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