4 Modern Weapons of The Future Developed Russia

For more than a century, making the weapon relied on scientific principles of the conventional and heavy industry. But over time, modern society has reached a point where technology will replace the entire ancient equipment.
By recruiting competent scientists, a number of countries have developed modern weapons. Even some of whom may have never occurred in the minds of ordinary people.
Russia in the process developing weapons that use new scientific principles more likely to be realized in the near future. The following 4 weapons of the future developed Russia.
Radio-electronic Weapons
Radio-electronic weapons capable of paralyzing the enemy's supplies with an explosion of large and powerful energy. The weapon can attack the system of control of the aircraft and the aircraft without crew (UAVs), as well as neutralizing weapons of control precision of vibration with a strong short wave.the Railgun
Electromagnetic projectile Launcher is a Railgun that could potentially become one of the strongest weapons for war in the future. With the help of the magnetosphere, the railgun can launch a projectile at speeds up to three kilometers per second.Laser Weapons
In the field of military, laser technology is often used to locate the target, track, and navigation. Now, its use to combat is only a matter of time.Acoustic or Sonic Weapon
Weapons such as acoustic or Sonic produce sounds and can make enemy soldiers fear and panic.
In fact, the human body organs can be damaged and culminate in death if exposed to such weapons.