In general, I can understand that the pressure of a stressful situation causes people to lose perspective and make bad decisions.
But I have also seen cases where you had to rationally abandon the path that was followed and put the efforts in another ... if those who did were wrong or right still do not know, only their future achievements can tell me what happened. Because being able to advance to a precipice is a bad idea, but sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between perseverance or faith and the fearsome stubbornness or stubbornness.
Of course, I have a personal preference for those who do not give up easily, but I appreciate much more those who manage to cool their head well and choose what is best for the circumstances they face, even if it means leaving what they were doing, maybe do it in another way or to resume it later or to accept that you should not start with it.
It's all about the right decisions, but we have to make sure that our decisions are not doing any injustice to anyone.
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