#Playlisting : Experimenting 2

in #running6 years ago

Nov 5 2018

LOCATION: Canyon Dr.
Strain: KNBIS Gelato OG

Tonight's work on the #playlist is to refine that Experiment that I was working on last week. I'm finding this practice quite rewarding but, I also find that, I'm going to need some new material. Right now, I've finished about three #playlists all together and I feel like they will only come faster in the future. Where it used to take me about five or six sessions to settle on something now is happening in one or two.

  1. Sleeping Lessons - The Shins
  2. Adventures in Your Own Backyard - Patrick Watson
  3. Serotonin - Simple Kid
  4. Reflektor - Arcade Fire
  5. Bye - Elliott Smith
  6. Banshee Beat - Animal Collective
  7. Windowsill - Arcade Fire
  8. High By The Beach - Lana Del Rey
  9. Kid Gloves - Doomtree
  10. Psychopath - St. Vincent
  11. 2+2=5 (The Lukewarm.) - Radiohead

I wonder if this will always be the thing. Eleven songs. Seems like that's been the consensus thus far. I urge whomever is reading this, please suggest some songs for me to run to and I might just build an entire album from them. I'm getting to the point where I'm considering these #playlists like my very own albums that cover a segment of my life. Like that Bright Eyes line, "I'll trap you to a song tied to a melody."

I'm sure we all have these songs and albums that exist in our pasts that carry a memory with them.

I think I'll mention a little about the high as well this time. This particular strain is a bit of an enigma. It ranges but, I never really feel like it's enough. (Sign of an addict). THC percentage is 16.02%, which, I've had stronger percentages but, never really gauged each one individually. The taste is a bit buttery, which is nice. Hybrid, Indica dominant. Make sure you keep a tall glass of water waiting for yourself once you get back because the cotton mouth can get sticky.

The best way to describe the high, I find, is to do it trying to describe the #playlists that you make. Why you make them, where they come from. I tend to remember the feelings of the high when they are attached to something like a song. And sometimes you want to take some of the those ideas with you into the sober world but, of course, like everything, you have to limit the amount of times that you cross from the high world to the sober world and back the high world. You can't do it too often, or you get stuck in the high world for longer. That's why it's probably better to engage in some physical activity if you smoke a lot because, it makes you more aware of the limits. I can't run every day, so I'll limit the days I run to the days I smoke weed and coincidentally, that will be the same day I write too.

But I'm getting off track. It's not good for a runner to get off track.

Here's to Round 2. Time for the run.


Well, after stretching and eating, I've reflected on my experience and I still have some changes to make to the #playlist. Minor ones.

  1. Sleeping Lessons - The Shins
  2. [Spot Open]
  3. Serotonin - Simple Kid
  4. Reflektor - Arcade Fire [Point of No Return}
  5. Bye - Elliott Smith
  6. Banshee Beat - Animal Collective
  7. Windowsill - Arcade Fire
  8. High By The Beach - Lana Del Rey
  9. Kid Gloves - Doomtree
  10. Psychopath - St. Vincent
  11. Adventures in Your Own Backyard - Patrick Watson
  12. 2+2=5 (The Lukewarm.) - Radiohead

That was a pretty good one. I managed to make it all the way through it. It's getting easier. So easy in fact that I tried to play Running Ghost after it was finished but, the traffic became a bit heavy and there were some odd cars parked so, I decided to unplug. Things can get a little scary out there when you're running at night. There were a couple times where I could swear that people were following me (the high talking) and this night I nodded to a cop that drove by. Lots of security out for some reason.

Another thing I realized about this #playlist was that it would probably do better like somewhere secluded. Somewhere like the beach at night or the forest at sunset. It's a good collection though.

Sleeping Lessons is just an absolute dream of a song to start the run to. It explodes as I've mentioned before.

I figured out that Adventure's didn't belong so far up front. It's more of a song to bring up the rear. On this round I had that same feeling that I often have. This is gonna fade quick and then by the time I'm at the point of no return, I'm questioning whether I should keep going or not. The high has faded by then.

I took some photos to remember the evening:
Old_Truck_Canyon Dr_11_06_2018_Michael_Oshins.JPG
Palms_Canyon Dr_11_06_2018_Michael_Oshins.JPG

These gems kinda fell right off the truck, huh?

I need to put something else in that number two spot. What should it be folks?


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