Monday Rundown
Saw Avengers Endgame this past weekened. I plan on writing a spoilerific IMHO on it, but I'll give my short spoiler free opinion now for people wondering if they should see it.
It's better than Infinity War, but still not that great. Has some good action and emotional scenes, has some other rather cringey ones. Most of the plot is hot garbage, but that's also kind of the status quo for Marvel movies anyways. If you want my full analysis, check out this week's IMHO.
Here is the lineup for this week:
- Tuesday: Nothing
- Wednesday: Metastasis, Part 19
- Thursday: IMHO, Avengers Endgame
- Friday: ???
Oh, and I have an idea for a post about Economic Democracy. But while I already have a large amount of points I can make about it, the actual post needs to be comprehensive, so I have no idea when it will be finished with all my other projects currently competing for my time. Might be next week, might be next month... might be never, to be honest. Then again, it's fundamentally politics, and just about everyone hates politics if they have any sense. So if I don't write it, I doubt it will be missed.
Have a nice week, everyone.