Understanding tidyeval and dplyr 7.0 in R
For those that use R and have been sucked into the tidyverse
way of working, you might be aware that the new release of dplyr
7.0 brings with it a new non-standard evaluation framework in the guise of the rlang
I found this a bit hard to wrap my head around at first, but I've discovered that this framework is very powerful for programmatically working with dplyr
and manipulating data, so I've collected a few useful resources for y'all to get started.
- The tidyverse vignette that describes the practicalities of using the new NSE framework. A bit dense, but it does a good job at presenting everything.
- The tidyverse vignette on the theoretical underpinnings of the NSE framework.
- A gentle introduction - Gives a quick, practical introduction in how to use the NSE.
- Excluding rows - A good example of how to build a new
Well written
Useful, thanks!