Nothing says "Privileged kid." like a Quidditch league.
Let's be real about the people who are trying to get the name of the game changed now due to JK Rowling's latest allegedly transphobic remarks.
Her latest remarks and latest concerns aren't anywhere close to TERF territory and if you're deeply offended by her statements about Scotland's new law on the matter you either don't know what she said or your mind is so open that your brain has fallen out.
Scotland's new law, similar to Washington state's law, basically says that if a person is arrested as a suspect in a rape all he needs to do is tell the police that he identifies as a woman to be booked as a woman, tried as a woman, and, if convicted, incarcerated as a woman.
This is already happening and I understand why regressive leftists are trying to tell "TERF!" and "Transphobe!" at anybody who questions such policies. I get it; but, I think it's evil to value political correctness over women's safety.
The reality is that her statements weren't transphobic. She's just aware that rapists are bad people and, with laws like this, it's easy for rapists to use the law to their advantage. Is it unfathomable that a rapist living in a place that will throw him in a women's prison if he's ever caught with no retirement of psychological evaluation, hormone therapy, or surgery would figure, "Huh, I can commit this rape, keep my dick fully functional, and, if I'm ever caught, I'll just be locked up with hundreds of future victims."
Her gripe and my gripe isn't about the rights or dignity of trans people. Her gripe and mine is that this makes life pretty cushy for rapists who want to keep raping.