Your work environment matters

in #room7 years ago


Every now and then I change the wallpaper on my Desktop and rearrange whatever I have on my computer. I delete what I don't use, organize what I need and overall make my computer look cleaner and ready for work.

I do that because that's the tool I chose to work with. I use my computer to write, to work on design elements, to learn new things, to read and to do whatever I can to make progress and maybe even make a living out of freelancing at some point in the future.

Because of that I sometimes spend hours making sure my computer looks the way I want it to look in order to feel more "motivated" to work. I even add or remove elements from my desk in order to make it look more "professional".

The reason behind all of this is that taking care of your environment, especially the one where you work, is a pretty important part when being productive. It's hard to be motivated to work for hours in a place where everything is filthy and unorganized. It's annoying to have to complete tasks using tools that you can barely find because nothing around you is where it should be.

That's why taking care of your environment and making it look the way you want it's gonna help you be in the mood for work a lot more often. Besides that, you can spend some time arranging things in a way that you'll be more productive.

In my case, I keep everything I work with everyday on my desktop, in certain folders containing all the files I need, all in order for me to be able to use whatever I need fast, without needing to search through partitions and folders. I also automate some of the things I do often and make sure I don't spend too much time on them.

Doing something as little as organizing the environment you work in can help you improve your productivity and be in the mood for work more often. A single object placed in the right spot can transform the way you do things.

Take some time and organize your space. Make sure everything looks the way you want it to look (or as close as possible) and see how you work after that. For some, it may not be an improvement but for others, it will become a crucial aspect of their working routine.


This is the lesson I have not gotten around to for the longest time. and while I still struggle with it I can definitely confirm that the less messy your outside is the less messy your inside will be.
Creating energetic chaos zones as I call them, will do nothing but constantly sap your energy due to the physical entangledness of that place requiring periodic attention when you are looking for something.

Cleaning these places up will solve the chaos zone and give your mind nothing to trip on when you look that direction.
As so often, what you write here is on my current to do list for the day ;)

Beautifully written, thank you for this comment :)

I absolutely agree with this article and the post above. I just realized that I have stopped trying to improve my workplace every once in a while. Thanks for mentioning the "professional" look it definitely helps, I should try to spice up my workplace in the office a bit more :-) does matter 100%. With a clean working environment one gets motivated to work. It gives someone that positive energy and psyche.

Totally agree, it's really motivating and energizing to work in a clean and organized environment... for some reason you always feel like a pro when doing that.

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