The Go stripe

in #ronaldo7 years ago


[26/05, 10:51 p.m.] oshoke joshua #iamoj🤓: 0) "Personal Life Audit" starts now #DevelopYou
Disconnecting from certain people can bless your life.

  1. Diane, how many people do you have in your life that you can boast of as friend. Well open your contact list and look at those you haven't called in the past three months. #DevelopYou
  2. Well, the saying holds true, "20 children cannot be friends for 20 years". Which means at life goes on friends will go others will come. You need to know nothing lasts forever. #DevelopYou
  3. I know I can't dictate who your friends are but your friends will either push you forward or pull you back. The association you hang around with will determine your eventual destination. You can't be with people heading North and you end up South. #DevelopYou
  4. How can you at this point not have people in your contact who can be there for you when push comes to shove. If you needed a hundred thousand naira now, do you have ten friends who can put that sum together for you. #DevelopYou
  5. See its not only about those friends who can support financially, you need friends who can support you mentally, physically, financially, emotionally and even spiritually. Iron sharpens iron, when iron tries to sharpen flesh it becomes a butcher. #DevelopYou
  6. While you need such friends, you also need to grow your capacity to be such a friend. Who are the people that can count on you? Are you dependable and reliable or one who breathe excuses like air. #DevelopYou
  7. Diane, you need to audit your personal life. You must find the cure to the disease of having contact with no impact. How do you explain having a friend list yet you are friendless. #DevelopYou
  8. You must stop being sentimental about the people in your life. If they are not adding they are subtracting so why do you still stick with them. If someone isn't helping you grow they are sure stunting your growth. #DevelopYou
  9. It may look like its a hard stand now but you will be better off soon. This is how it works, when you let go of the old, you make room to take hold of the new. You must take charge of your life. #DevelopYou
  10. Audit your personal life in every area from your wardrobe to your account. What things do you need to let go, cut off and completely stop doing. You can't keep doing the wrong thing and expect it to become right. #DevelopYou
  11. Imagine all the people in your life now what's the advantage of having them. Can they be proud of knowing you the same way you are proud of knowing them? #DevelopYou
  12. In life it's not about who you know but who knows you. You can know people and even have their contact but do they know you? If you call them even with true caller will they ask who is this? #DevelopYou
  13. see the real definition of favourite is what you prefer to use regularly. Who are the favourite in your life? Do you keep in touch and see how you add value to their lives or you only look at for what you can get from them. #DevelopYou
  14. Audit your life Diane, you can't keep living this way. Know what you want and the people who can assist you in getting what you want. You can't keep staying around people who don't contribute to your life in anyway. It profits you nothing. #DevelopYou
  15. The people in your life now some of them are just not heading the same direction with you but you are still enjoying their ride and company. It is better to be alone than to be in the wrong company. #DevelopYou
  16. You should have friends that not only gossip but can discuss business ideas and investment opportunities. Friends who introduce you to business deals and not runs. Why try to resist what you can conveniently detach from. #DevelopYou
  17. You should keep your circle small. Use the Rabbi model, 70-12-3 keep your circle of three tight. People who are there should earn their way there. Don't just bring people from the outer circle to your inner circle. #DevelopYou
  18. Diane I am not saying leave your friends all I am saying is be brutally honest and look at the people in your life. Do they truly deserve to be there or you are just hanging on to them because you feel you don't deserve better. #DevelopYou
  19. Not everyone will be happy when you do your personal audit because some will be affected. Well you are the CEO of your life, so you should determine what's best for you. Not every loss is a loss Diane. #DevelopYou
  20. I believe you know that the brand called you must be developed by you. One way to develop is to audit your personal life. No sentiment only commitment. Your friend, Sir Alex #DevelopYou
  21. Should you need help to go about your personal life audit, kindly read my e-book "I am surrounded by idiots" then send a DM or mail [email protected] #DevelopYou
    [26/05, 10:51 p.m.] oshoke joshua #iamoj🤓: It’s time to come to terms with what is not working, release it and give more energy and attention to what you value most. This new cycle is a reset.
    Be observant. The energy around you doesn’t lie...
    “If you willing to put in that sweat! Blood! And tears! I’m telling you! You can have, be and do what you want!” –Eric Thomas
    You know you have people when you are going through tough times. When they are still with you and haven't deserted you, then you have people. #DeepThinking
    [26/05, 10:51 p.m.] oshoke joshua #iamoj🤓: JORK INITIATIVE
    Who we are
    We are a movement of creatives with a kingdom agenda aimed at redefining the content creation sector, by getting directly involved in the media sphere through out the continent of Africa and the world at Large. Dedicating our time, talent and treasure.

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[26/05, 10:51 p.m.] oshoke joshua #iamoj🤓: Life is going to give you just what you put into it. Put your whole heart in everything you do
[26/05, 10:51 p.m.] oshoke joshua #iamoj🤓: Many big deeds become small due to our intentions and many small deeds become big due to our intentions. Purify our intentions and gain maximum rewards.
[26/05, 10:51 p.m.] oshoke joshua #iamoj🤓: The ability to challenge your own assumptions, and change, is a superpower.
[26/05, 10:51 p.m.] oshoke joshua #iamoj🤓: We create such a cycle of disappointment for ourselves when we keep expecting more than what people are prepared to give. You cannot change a person, nor are you resposible for their change, you can only change yourself and your expectations.
[26/05, 10:51 p.m.] oshoke joshua #iamoj🤓: Belief System Session "You are not learning when you don't practice"
The juice of learning is in the practice. You are not learning when you don't practice. #DeepThinking
Most people confuse knowing information with learning. They believe they are learning new things when they just watch or listen but the truth is learning is not complete without practice. Practice is what makes learning, learning. I can tell you or even show you how to do something but until you do it yourself, you actually haven't learned yet. Learning and practice makes you real smart. Real smart is book smart plus street smart.
Remember how enthusiastic you were about the year, all the things you planned to do, you even joined groups online to boost your moral but the only challenge you still face is taking action. You are now so good at excuses that even your village people borrow from you. Well the reason you think you suffer from information overload is because you don't practice.
The sad thing is most people are busy practicing the wrong things. They know how to make excuses and give via reasons why they procrastinate, forgetting that anything put off till later is most times put off forever. Ask yourself this question "what have I learned in May, that I haven't practiced?" You will discover you truly aren't learning you are just watching or listening. I know you want to say "I don't share what I practice doesn't mean I don't practice". Applaud yourself for your self deception.
How do I know you are not learning when you don't practice

  1. Growth can't be hidden. If you are growing the impact will be seen and felt
  2. Your hesitation to take risks and break out from your comfort zone
  3. Your not giving feedback on your experience. Experience comes from what you experience
    Don't tell me you are learning, show me what you are practicing. It is the practice that proves learning. #DeepThinking
    What is stopping you from practicing is what is keeping you from real learning. It is what you practice that makes all the difference. #R4HL
    Practice doesn't just make perfect, practice build systems. @wisdomcounselin
    The juice of any learning is in the practice. - Osagie Alex
    On the upgrade side of life, we practice what we learn and we learn to practice.
    If you are not practicing, you are not learning.

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