in #rome7 years ago


Within the Vatican, their Jesuit order has known to be rogue warriors - and are often referred to as Vatican assassins.

Argentine Jorge Bergoglio just became the first Jesuit Pope in history. As a Jesuit, he broke his own oath whereby he swore he would never become a Pope, since Jesuits have a tradition of never accepting positions in high places. What then can we expect from a person who breaks their own promise? There is much left to ponder about regarding this Vatican’s strategical decision of placing a Jesuit as Pope for the first time in history.

The Pope (aka The White Pope) secretly follows the direct orders of the Adolfo Nicolas (known as “The Black Pope”), who is the Superior General of this Catholic order. To understand the implications of the first Jesuit becoming a pope, it is important to highlight a brief summary of how the Catholic Church, through its Jesuit order, has been secretly ruling the world...


“Jesuits” are members of the Society of Jesus, an all-male religious order of the Roman Catholic Church. They are also known as "God's Marines" - these being references to founder Ignatius of Loyola's military background and members' willingness to accept orders anywhere in the world and live in extreme conditions.
They are an almost 500-year old covert operations, structured as a secret military operation: demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Superior General (the Black Pope)
They have taken the 4th vow secret oath in which killing a 'heretic' is not considered a crime.

This group was originally used by the Vatican to counter the various Reformation movements in Europe, to which the Vatican lost much of its religious and political power. Absolute-temporal-ruling power has always been the Vatican's primary objective.
Jesuits consider themselves the elite of the Catholic Church


The leader - Superior General - of this Catholic order
Dresses in black and 'stands in the shadow' of the white Pope, leading, since a "good Pope" is a Pope who obeys his Jesuit general.
Who currently holds this position ?
The 35th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus convened on 5 January 2008 and elected Fr. Adolfo Nicolás as the new Superior General on 19 January 2008.

A month after, the Pope received members of the General Congregation and urged them to "to continue on the path of this mission in full fidelity to your original charism" and asked them to reflect so as "to rediscover the fullest meaning of your characteristic 'fourth vow' of obedience to the Successor of Peter. (We remind our readers that the first pope, Peter, was not walking according to the truth of the gospel and was therefore worthy of being condemned (Galatians 2:11)


Since 1814 they have been in complete control of the obscenely wealthy Vatican institution (and its Catholic clergy hierarchy) and presently also controls various other organizations together with the Catholic Military Order of Malta, such as:

the United Nations
European Commission
Council on Foreign Relations
various central banks
big corporations
secret services
numerous societies and cults, such as Freemasonry ("The Brotherhood") and Opus Dei

The Catholic Church (Vatican City) microstate is a member of: ITU (telecommunication), CEPT (telecommunication), Eutelsat (satellite communication), Intelsat (satellite communication), UPU (international mail) and the International Grains Council. [We ask: If the Catholic Church is supposed to be the so-called representatives of Christ to teach his gospel - what are they doing being involved with these organizations? Clearly we see their mission is everything BUT to teach the true gospel - instead their true objective has always been money and power.]

The Holy See (Vatican organization) participates as an observer in: African Union, Arab League, Council of Europe, OAS (35 states of the Americas), IOM (migration), and in the United Nations (1942) and its many agencies:
FAO (food and agriculture),
ILO (labour),
UNCTAD (trade and investment),
UNEP (environment),
UNESCO (education, science, and culture),
UN-HABITAT (human settlements),
UNHCR (refugees),
UNIDO (industry),
UNWTO (tourism),
WFP (food programs),
WHO (healthcare),
WIPO (patents, copyrights and trademarks).
It participates as a guest in NAM, and as a full member in IAEA (nuclear energy), OPCW (chemical weapons), OSCE (international 'security', 3.500+ staff).
Other UN agencies:
ECOSOC (economy),
UNFPA (population and reproduction),
UNODC (drugs control),
UNDPI (public information)


World governors can be seen fornicating with the Vatican (The Great Harlot). In fact, one can see a direct connection between the Jesuits and presidents by taking a closer look at their prominent schools. Here is a brief list:
Stonyhurst College
Georgetown University
Fordham University
Fairfield University
International Visitor Leadership Program

So that you can start to see the Vatican & State connections. You should know the following:

More than 200 current and former Heads of State, 1,500 cabinet-level ministers, and many other distinguished world leaders in government and the private sector have participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program."
In 1940 Nelson Rockefeller (Knight of Malta) was named Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (the pre-cursor to the IVLP program).

Are you starting to see how the Vatican has been fornicating with today’s presidents and governors?

The Beginnings of the Catholic Jesuit Order

On 15 August 1534, Ignatius of Loyola (born Íñigo López de Loyola), a Spaniard of Basque origin, and six other students at the University of Paris[12]—Francisco Xavier from Navarre (modern Spain), Alfonso Salmeron, Diego Laínez, Nicolás Bobadilla from Spain, Peter Faber from Savoy, and Simão Rodrigues from Portugal—met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis, now Saint Pierre de Montmartre.[13]
They called themselves the Company of Jesus, and also Amigos en El Señor or "Friends in the Lord", because they felt "they were placed together by Christ".
In 1537, they traveled to Italy to seek papal approval for their order. Pope Paul III gave them a commendation, and permitted them to be ordained priests. These initial steps led to the founding of what would be called the Society of Jesus later in 1540. The term societas in Latin is derived from socius, a partner or comrade.

Their Structure
The Jesuits today form the largest single religious order of priests and brothers in the Catholic Church, although they are surpassed by the Franciscan family of first orders Order of Friars Minor (OFM), OFM Capuchins, and Conventuals.
As of 1 January 2007, Jesuits numbered 19,216 13,491 clerks regular (priests), 3,049 scholastics (students to become priests), 1,810 brothers (not priests) and 866 novices.
Members serve in 112 nations on six continents with the largest number in India and US


Other Useful Resources:

Jesuits: The Military Religious Order of the Roman Catholic Church

History of the Jesuits

The Society of Jesus (Jesuits): Evil Heirs of Aristotle

Resident Evil: The Jesuit Threat to Humanity by Mike Bellinger

How the First Jesuits Became Involved in

Within the Vatican, their Jesuit order has known to be rogue warriors - and are often referred to as Vatican assassins.

Argentine Jorge Bergoglio just became the first Jesuit Pope in history. As a Jesuit, he broke his own oath whereby he swore he would never become a Pope, since Jesuits have a tradition of never accepting positions in high places. What then can we expect from a person who breaks their own promise? There is much left to ponder about regarding this Vatican’s strategical decision of placing a Jesuit as Pope for the first time in history.

The Pope (aka The White Pope) secretly follows the direct orders of the Adolfo Nicolas (known as “The Black Pope”), who is the Superior General of this Catholic order. To understand the implications of the first Jesuit becoming a pope, it is important to highlight a brief summary of how the Catholic Church, through its Jesuit order, has been secretly ruling the world...


“Jesuits” are members of the Society of Jesus, an all-male religious order of the Roman Catholic Church. They are also known as "God's Marines" - these being references to founder Ignatius of Loyola's military background and members' willingness to accept orders anywhere in the world and live in extreme conditions.
They are an almost 500-year old covert operations, structured as a secret military operation: demanding secret oaths and complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Superior General (the Black Pope)
They have taken the 4th vow secret oath in which killing a 'heretic' is not considered a crime.

This group was originally used by the Vatican to counter the various Reformation movements in Europe, to which the Vatican lost much of its religious and political power. Absolute-temporal-ruling power has always been the Vatican's primary objective.
Jesuits consider themselves the elite of the Catholic Church


The leader - Superior General - of this Catholic order
Dresses in black and 'stands in the shadow' of the white Pope, leading, since a "good Pope" is a Pope who obeys his Jesuit general.
Who currently holds this position ?
The 35th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus convened on 5 January 2008 and elected Fr. Adolfo Nicolás as the new Superior General on 19 January 2008.

A month after, the Pope received members of the General Congregation and urged them to "to continue on the path of this mission in full fidelity to your original charism" and asked them to reflect so as "to rediscover the fullest meaning of your characteristic 'fourth vow' of obedience to the Successor of Peter. (We remind our readers that the first pope, Peter, was not walking according to the truth of the gospel and was therefore worthy of being condemned (Galatians 2:11)


Since 1814 they have been in complete control of the obscenely wealthy Vatican institution (and its Catholic clergy hierarchy) and presently also controls various other organizations together with the Catholic Military Order of Malta, such as:

the United Nations
European Commission
Council on Foreign Relations
various central banks
big corporations
secret services
numerous societies and cults, such as Freemasonry ("The Brotherhood") and Opus Dei

The Catholic Church (Vatican City) microstate is a member of: ITU (telecommunication), CEPT (telecommunication), Eutelsat (satellite communication), Intelsat (satellite communication), UPU (international mail) and the International Grains Council. [We ask: If the Catholic Church is supposed to be the so-called representatives of Christ to teach his gospel - what are they doing being involved with these organizations? Clearly we see their mission is everything BUT to teach the true gospel - instead their true objective has always been money and power.]

The Holy See (Vatican organization) participates as an observer in: African Union, Arab League, Council of Europe, OAS (35 states of the Americas), IOM (migration), and in the United Nations (1942) and its many agencies:
FAO (food and agriculture),
ILO (labour),
UNCTAD (trade and investment),
UNEP (environment),
UNESCO (education, science, and culture),
UN-HABITAT (human settlements),
UNHCR (refugees),
UNIDO (industry),
UNWTO (tourism),
WFP (food programs),
WHO (healthcare),
WIPO (patents, copyrights and trademarks).
It participates as a guest in NAM, and as a full member in IAEA (nuclear energy), OPCW (chemical weapons), OSCE (international 'security', 3.500+ staff).
Other UN agencies:
ECOSOC (economy),
UNFPA (population and reproduction),
UNODC (drugs control),
UNDPI (public information)


World governors can be seen fornicating with the Vatican (The Great Harlot). In fact, one can see a direct connection between the Jesuits and presidents by taking a closer look at their prominent schools. Here is a brief list:
Stonyhurst College
Georgetown University
Fordham University
Fairfield University
International Visitor Leadership Program

So that you can start to see the Vatican & State connections. You should know the following:

More than 200 current and former Heads of State, 1,500 cabinet-level ministers, and many other distinguished world leaders in government and the private sector have participated in the International Visitor Leadership Program."
In 1940 Nelson Rockefeller (Knight of Malta) was named Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (the pre-cursor to the IVLP program).

Are you starting to see how the Vatican has been fornicating with today’s presidents and governors?

The Beginnings of the Catholic Jesuit Order

On 15 August 1534, Ignatius of Loyola (born Íñigo López de Loyola), a Spaniard of Basque origin, and six other students at the University of Paris[12]—Francisco Xavier from Navarre (modern Spain), Alfonso Salmeron, Diego Laínez, Nicolás Bobadilla from Spain, Peter Faber from Savoy, and Simão Rodrigues from Portugal—met in Montmartre outside Paris, in a crypt beneath the church of Saint Denis, now Saint Pierre de Montmartre.
They called themselves the Company of Jesus, and also Amigos en El Señor or "Friends in the Lord", because they felt "they were placed together by Christ".
In 1537, they traveled to Italy to seek papal approval for their order. Pope Paul III gave them a commendation, and permitted them to be ordained priests. These initial steps led to the founding of what would be called the Society of Jesus later in 1540. The term societas in Latin is derived from socius, a partner or comrade.

Their Structure
The Jesuits today form the largest single religious order of priests and brothers in the Catholic Church, although they are surpassed by the Franciscan family of first orders Order of Friars Minor (OFM), OFM Capuchins, and Conventuals.
As of 1 January 2007, Jesuits numbered 19,216 13,491 clerks regular (priests), 3,049 scholastics (students to become priests), 1,810 brothers (not priests) and 866 novices.
Members serve in 112 nations on six continents with the largest number in India and US


Other Useful Resources:

Jesuits: The Military Religious Order of the Roman Catholic Church

History of the Jesuits

The Society of Jesus (Jesuits): Evil Heirs of Aristotle

Resident Evil: The Jesuit Threat to Humanity by Mike Bellinger

How the First Jesuits Became Involved in Education:

Secrets of the Jesuits

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