Flippy The Burger-Flipping Robot Made His Debut And Is Already On Temporary leave
Flippy the burger-flipper was designed to replace humans in the fast food industry.
Flippy started his first day earlier this month and as report shows, he stood up well against the high demand. The robot produced by Miso Robotics worked one day and is already on call until all system are a go.
Of course, most first models come with minor glitches which can be tweaked in no time and modified to more appealing than it's original. At the end you'll see a video clip where Flippy makes an error no human would by flipping a cheeseburger.
Even though he made such minor mistakes, it was his co-workers who couldn't keep up with the high demand and new system added.
Flippy in intelligent, but he is also very limited. His crew has to set the patties on the grill for him and have a seperate counter where they also prep up the buns and condiments and hand them off to the customers.
Flippy the burger-flipping robot made his debut at Caliburger location in Pasadena, California and people were more than curious to see what the robot could do.
Wow so nice..it good to be an enterprenuerer atleast u made it your self all through. It is cool anyways
It look delicious.
This is frightening in a way but we have seen the writing on the wall for this for years!
It will be interesting to see how they perfect this model and if they can create the entire process using flippy, bunny, and condimenty!
It´s incredible @joseph! How robots are replacing humans on jobs, what do you think about the employment? Best regards from @presentnworldsc.
the future was already present dear friend @joseph, nothing can be done against this, people should strive more in training to occupy more specialized jobs, where machines can not replace human beings.
Itu tentang apa ya??
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It is interesting..nice post..