Roblox Gameplay - Icebreaker! Crazy Fun and great teamwork!
🧊 Roblox Icebreaker Gameplay! Crazy Fun and great teamwork! Loud Warning!
-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:02:31 Round 1! We Won!
0:05:03 Round 2! Won again!
0:07:07 Round 3! We won!
0:09:33 Round 4! I am the Seeker!
0:14:08 Round 5! Me Vs Chocolate!
0:17:15 Round 6!
0:20:14 Round 7! We won!
0:23:10 Round 8! I am the Seeker again!
0:28:03 Round 9! We Won!
-- Chloe Roblox Store (GET IT NOW)
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-- About Icebreaker
In Icebreaker! two teams go head to head trying to freeze all players on the other team. Players can unfreeze (thaw) their teammates to avoid defeat. Other game-modes include hide and seek where the hiders cannot freeze the seekers and must hide, and the Ice Cream boss battle!
Roblox Icebreaker Created 12/23/2013, Updated 4/22/2019, Max Players 14, Genre Fighting. (Online Multiplayer Game, Icebreaker, Team Work)
-- Yesterday Gamelog
Roblox Flood Escape 2 Gameplay! Wonderful Friends and Teamwork! -
Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.
I Love you all Chloe Tubers!
Roblox Icebreaker Gameplay / Chloe Lim October 2019 Gamelog / #Icebreaker / #TeamWork / #ChloeLim Channel