Amazing how all of the following connects.
Growing up as the youngest of seven kids in Western Pennsylvania in the 60’s and 70’s I was told that life is not black and white but rather shades of gray. And after a life of over 60 years I would like to counter with this: Life is not black or white but those in authority over our freedoms should see this differently. For them life is black or white. And because of that fact, they should be careful. But they teach us differently, Why?
I’ll make this easy for the kids and put it in the form of: If I worked on the side of the Angels or if I worked in league with the devil. [SOA] and [LWD] for short.
To start I am not born again but maybe I should be since I was probably killed at 13 by an automobile that threw me off my bike 50 feet. I remember seeing a bright light and just wanting to just wake up before I came to in a hospital room a day later… that was my third miracle but I get ahead of myself.
So if I was in [LWD] I would work to move pedophilia into the mainstream society. When I was six, I remember walking in the fog, 200-300 feet in front of my brothers and sisters on the way to school. A man in a white station wagon that was two blocks from school offered to drive me to school. God told me to run that day and I cut between two yards and made it to school safely. Telling my family after school what happened brought police to my door. I really did not realize what may have happened had I got too close to that car. It is my belief that many folks who find themselves in a confusing sexual orientation state are victims of child rape or sexual abuse so I would rather work on [SOA] and put pedophiles in jail or worse for ruining the bloom on our youth before they could make that choice freely. My father thought I would have been killed later that same day but waited to tell me that years later. He was probably right. Other than being born two months premature and surviving, my first miracle, my running that day was my second miracle.
Our society has to be REAL when dealing with these sexual predators and not hide from the hard decisions that will be necessary to protect our kids. Yet as I grow older I see the culture changing with more and more sexual perversion being pushed by our media and government as normal. 40 years ago many of these folks would be in mental institutions but now they can serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff or as your Surgeon General.
Learning in school about the atrocities in the Second World War, yes we had to number them, I learned that working on [SOA] we should track down these war criminals and have them meet a just end. I also learned that many facts about what our governments do are hidden for decades before they are released from secrecy to the general public, usually 50 years. What I learned is that in [LWD] the Catholic Church in Rome under the authority of Pope John, helped those criminals from Germany and her allies escape to far points of the world. In fact our own [USA] government in [LWD] kept NAZI spies in the Soviet Union and elsewhere on our payroll. We even allowed their scientists to come to America to work in our WAR industries. You were told in school to like Von Braun at NASA, the same guy who sent Russian POWs up in high altitude rockets to study various effects of launch and weightlessness during WW2. These folks were killed. Von Braun was a war criminal. How many of the slave labor died in the manufacture of his weapons programs under Hitler’s Germany?
After WW2 many governments, were moved on [SOA] to sign the Nuremberg Accords to prevent the types of crimes that Germany and Japan in [LWD] did to millions with medical experimentation. Individuals worldwide gained the right to just say no to any medicine or medical procedure offered up by those in authority. Governments on [SOA] have also signed treaties preventing bio-weapons research.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure we can find some lawyers working on [SOA], but sadly many are in [LWD].
To prove my point, just look at the work around our rights that happen when our government in [LWD] hire foreign governments to spy on our own citizens to get around our rights “Guaranteed” by our Constitution and also to prevent freedom of information searches of these acts because our government was “Not involved.” Work around do not stop there. On [SOA] we have been blessed with life saving vaccines that have saved billions of lives worldwide. In [LWD] governments have tried to turn medicine into a weapon of war. Treaties have attempted to put a stop to this. Remember that treaties, under our own Constitution, become law under our Constitution. Remember the Nuremberg Accords? Well in [LWD] scientists working for multinational pharmaceutical companies, many of the same companies convicted of war crimes in Germany after WW2, have a work around.
It seems that many folks working in our own government health agencies, one example is Dr Anthony Fauci, have structured a work around that also has proved financially rewarding personally to enrich themselves. As an aside in [LWD] many, far too many, folks in our Congress and elsewhere got heads up before major decisions on the Covid19 farce were made and made millions in the stock market. Some 60 in Congress have so far been found to be in violation of the law in how they handled this, but none will be prosecuted because then all would be prosecuted.
Here is the work around and it works similarly to the way our in-tell agencies spied and spy on Americans using foreign governments. First, using other peoples money in the form of tax dollars, research on bio-weapons leaves government hands and goes into private hands, remember the treaty? 2Nd, we still have to do this in secret so we hire a PRIVATE company in CHINA. Now how is any company in COMMUNIST CHINA private? They research a bio-weapon version of covid, called covid 19. Yes we have to number them. Now the private company angle allows Dr Fauci and others to invest in all three sides of the PANDEMIC triangle. Investing in the cure, vaccines or Rna Jabs, investing in the protective clothing companies and finally, arranging government contracts to any company that they are invested in to solve the EMERGENCY.
Now remember a few facts about big pharma companies. They are the number one advertiser in media commercial time buys. They are one of the biggest political contribution sources to folks running for office. Many of their chief employees work in and out of government agencies. The fox is running the hen-house folks. Is it a stretch to say that in [LWD] the big pharma companies would create future medical problems with the mind of creating the solution ahead of time so they could cash in when and if the problem surfaces? This is what seems to be what has happened in the case of Covid19. The cover up is how and why and who, because folks like you and I working on [SOA] would string these folks up on the closest tree if we knew the whole story. But we are piecing it together.
I do not believe this was an accidental release in Wuhan. I believe that China is involved, but so are international pharma companies and a slew of corrupted politicians and media sources. One reason that I believe they involved China is secrecy. Pfizer got the FDA to delay a damning Freedom of Information document release for 75 years! A judge nixed it but only with a gradual release of documents. They want us all dead before anyone holds them accountable in my opinion.
Most actions taken by government in the USA over this PANDEMIC seem to be in [LWD] as they restrict proven medical remedies while promoting questionable cures that in addition to being experimental are also seemingly risk free of any liability to big pharma because their folks in government have given them legal cover by removing liability. Why do that? “Never let a crises go to waste.” to quote an Obama apparatchik.
So if the devil wanted to put the screws on the whole world, he would corrupt the media to give us false message, he would corrupt our politicians to get unjust laws and he would corrupt those in industry who profit from the carnage. If I was the devil, I would be a Democrat and would make sure that my vote counted….twice, three times, as many as needed, in order to get my program of world domination secured.