Rittenhouse will not be found guilty of murder.
Pointing out that Kyle Rittenhouse is clearly not guilty of murder is a thankless task. I care about truth over popularity. I care about justice over politics. If supporting presumption of innocence, placing the burden of proof on the accusers, and relying on evidence over emotions are controversial ideas to hold, well, I don't really care, they're the right ideas. I don't like Rittenhouse as a person from what I've been able to gather. I certainly don't like his politics; but, I was an idiot at seventeen, too.
The Washington Post managed to break down the events pretty well here. Rosenbaum was really the only factor for any reasonable person to grasp onto to insist that Rittenhouse was guilty of murder. That's gone now unless the cops have some seriously damning footage that the public hasn't seen.
The facts are clear:
Rosenbaum had been acting violently the whole night and had a restraining order placed on him for body slamming his girlfriend.
Rosenbaum broke his restraining order. His girlfriend sent him packing and told him not to go downtown, which he did.
While Rosenbaum was helping rioters to push burning dumpsters around and swinging a chain, Rittenhouse was attempting to offer medical assistance to anyone who needed it. This is all on camera.
The police reported at least three or four rioters brandishing handguns nearby. One of the three men shot by Rittenhouse threatened him with a handgun.
Rosenbaum is clearly seen chasing Rittenhouse before the shooting.
A rioter discharged a handgun before Rittenhouse turned and shot Rosenbaum.
It's time to give this up. No jury in it's right mind following the aforementioned principles will find Rittenhouse guilty of murder. What's more, it would be a miscarriage of justice for him to be found guilty of murder. It's probably a miscarriage of justice that the state is even trying to find him guilty of murder.
But, when he's inevitably found not guilty, riots are going to start again. And, when they do, any claim that you have that people are burning cities to protest injustice will go out the fucking window. When the riots start up once Rittenhouse is found not guilty, the riots will clearly be about opposing the core of what justice is. The riots will be out of anger that an innocent person wasn't sent to prison.
You don't have a leg to stand on anymore.