ACI Universal Payments Ripple Partnership - Wall Street Buying XRP - Quidax will use xRapid - BREX Choses Ripple over Swift - Bistamp bought by NXMH - Bittrex International
- ACI supports around 9 percent of global SWIFT traffic and approximately 30 percent in the US. ACI offers services to banks around the world wanting to connect to and leverage the SWIFT’s global payment initiative (gpi). ACI also supports real-time schemes around the world, meaning that any bank can use Real-time Payment Systems to support SWIFT FIN, gpi, DLT (e.g. Ripple), Wire and immediate payments. - Quidax is looking to integrate xRapid a payment and international transfer product from Ripple which would efficiently power remittances and cross-border payments using XRP as a bridge" - Ripple Drop Video - Asheesh Birla explains Ripple's multi-hop feature. Also Cory John states Wall Street and instituions have been buying XRP - Bitstamp was acquired by Belgium-based investment company NXMH, a subsidiary firm of Barclays bank. - A new digital asset trading platform for international customers, built on Bittrex Exchange’s technology, is coming soon called Bittrex International