RIPAC Solution: Block-Chain Quorum E-Democracy Candidate Nomination (Steemit Political Party)
Nominations are tools that allow voters who don’t like to vote for the lesser of two evils, to put alternative candidates on the ballot. RIPAC offers common people a panacea solution for drafting candidates to represent us as merely “order followers” of natural law and the constitution, bringing back the ideal of having true public servants.
Our concept is predicated off of the idea that we don’t need politicians at all, what we need is a new system of self-governance entirely. However, due to the nature of our current political system, we must acknowledge that there are many bad people running our nation from the local level all the way to the federal and they all need to be replaced.
We call for new statesmen and stateswomen who will boldly concede to reason and truth, predicating their actions as representatives off of the collective intelligence of the world, offering to protect the people they serve and vote on their behalf.
Our solution is to have our candidates represent the people, an entirely new system must be created that allows for a most fluid communication between a representative and their constituents. The founders of this nation were against political parties. The rigid ideologies of "parties" that have attributes found attractive to some people and repulsive to others can be a model of the past as we move forward with our "non-party, party" for the new millennium.
Representation means that regardless of a politician's “party” affiliation, they will represent their constituents directly, in accordance with natural law and the constitution, supporting the common will of the voters using sophisticated online quorums integrated with e-democracy tools. Our “Representation” candidates are the “Quorum E-Democracy” (QED) candidates and they are merely servants who vote as a proxy for their constituents best interests.
QED Debate:
Through rigorous online debate, hosted on block-chain created by, policy awareness will reach a pinnacle of truth that cannot be denied by a large minority. The amount of people disagreeing will diminish as new truths become apparent in the comments threads that are most up-voted by our subscribership. Common truths will become self-evident and co-creators of our quorum will flourish with knowledge, spreading our cooperative consensus with others everywhere.
When policy is agreed upon by looking deep into facts, applying reason and exposing conflicts of interest, the conservative and more left-libertarians can harmonize concepts with progressives on those policies that we all agree on. There will certainly be areas that we don’t all agree on, but we can focus on what we do agree on first and make progress, stopping corruption in the local and state governments should be a common
Our plan is to have our candidates sign a pledge to uphold the will of the people who they represent using the QED, and to not take special interest money and ever vote outside of what the online debates have proven are the best choices for the people.
They can be from any third party or work within the major two. It may be more advantageous to have candidates run as independents or even Democrats and Republicans depending on how their districts are gerrymandered.
Third parties that have ballot access, which in most cases are Libertarians and Greens, also would have an advantage in appealing to a wider audience now under an alternative ticket. RIPAC is promoting the concept of having a new national party forum predicated on education and e-democracy processes. Our candidates must simply oppose this corrupt corporate-run system we live in and who will use the quorum to direct their votes.
Our Candidates Will Win
There are many election reforms needed to give 3rd party candidates a fighting chance. RIPAC is working to archive all top model legislation to do so and have them all drafted for each state so we can reform elections and take power back from the corporatist duopoly control of democrats and republicans.
We have a plan to flood the ballot with as many statesmen and stateswomen who will adopt our vision, values, mission and creed to give voters a new type of populous choice that even anarchists would register to vote for. How? Because our candidates are running on a platform of giving power back to the people, to distribute it horizontally and break down the hierarchical power structures that have kept humanity in bondage for far too long.
The elite do not want citizens using the nomination process to put populist candidates on the ballot that challenge their lobbyist driven policies. It should be evident to all that it is our prime responsibility to back independent candidates and to even run for office ourselves when a good third party candidate is not available in our district.
Under today’s common paradigm, people feel that they don’t know enough about political sciences or policy to run for office. This limitation is destroyed with the RIPAC model candidate drafting platform. We seek to empower the few and nobel extraordinary Americans who are not afraid to speak truth to power to run for office as “Representation” candidates.
What politician would speak on behalf of the voters better, one that remains disconnected, only voting in accordance with their own ideology, or, one that pushes for the ideology of internet-based voter connection with their representative, internet town halls and an on-line state legislature.
A new interconnected constituency online will ensure they build their policy ideas they want their representatives to focus on and create a platform where the representatives that work for us can communicate to us about how what’s going on inside the state and federal government.
We can at least work together to stop corruption in government and its authoritarian power through reason and logic, all the partisan policies can be worked out later when more time has been put into debating them thoroughly enough. Together, progressives and libertarians finding unity on policy that stops government power can attract even the anarchists to vote. Divided, the elite will always dominate. This has been their agenda since before the days of Machiavelli.
Along with QED, all of our Representative candidates who directly represent the consensus of the people would also be forthright advocating for more power to the people’s recall, referendum, citizen grand jury and initiative processes. By agreeing to put all controversial bills of the legislature to a vote of the people by referendum, they are putting the people in a position of power to stop the other state assembly and senate from getting the governor to pass law that they don’t want. They also give the people more power to kick politicians out directly and create new law with initiatives to limit government power directly.
With even just one QED candidate running for federal Congress or Senate can represent the entire nation, because for once now, a candidate can be in office ready to communicate outwardly to the nation what is going on inside government, and communicate to government, what the people of the world want them to vote for.
Candidates must have no funding from special interests or corporations, only personal contributions from people may be accepted and this will help ensure they represent public values.
Candidates should come forth who represent small business and the communities interests. We do not need any more bankers, lawyers or corporate leaders. They make up the majority of corrupt candidates, so steering toward the people with alternative credentials would be quite respected by voters these days.
Local business owners representing the brick and mortar local economy along with organic farmers, activists, scientists, engineers, researchers, teachers and even theologians with a strong moral and ethical stance on helping the people should make up the new representation of this nation.
Rather than focusing on what divides us, when we focus on what common principles we hold true.
We can be victorious over the globalist corporate government.
Through education, discussion and consensus building, we can find new commonalities and break out of the left/right paradigm. Rather than focus on a “party” platform, we will focus on non-debatable issue specific goals backed by sound research, credible non-agenda driven sources and facts.
Third parties are often kept from getting on the ballot. RIPAC’s strategy to change the process forever using online networking and direct door to door organizing will fix this problem. However, even when third parties qualify for the ballot, there is often a drastic shortage of candidates.
We will be creating a candidate training system using e-learning tools to ensure that we can recruit potential candidates like you to run for office. RIPAC will provide support for marketing, campaigning and the qualifying efforts for ballot access where signature drives are required. Our soon to be superpac will provide funding for candidates who challenge the current system dominated by ideologs. Unlike other superpacs, we are building a platform that will enable total transparency into all donations just like popular crowdfunding websites do. The superpac status simply allows us to file ballot mechanisms in multiple states and it gives us more leniency with the IRS. Some day, when we are successful.
We will ensure all our candidates understand the constitution, they will be required to take a pledge to uphold the RIPAC vision, values, mission and creed, to support citizens ballot access and to promote all ballot mechanisms along with their run for office. In return, they will have full access to support from our superpac and other resources every step of the way.
Candidate Drafting
We need to start acting like a major force for change in our nation. Like the Democrats and Republicans who have candidates running for nearly every seat, RIPAC seeks to ensure we have enough Greens, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Independents and even our own Representative candidates, to run for every seat in each state. This way, people who are not supporting the corporate parties can know that they have real choices and they can simply vote for the candidate who is not in any way part of the broken system.
Sometimes several third party candidates will compete for a single seat. This is where RIPAC seeks to mend the broken picture. We cannot let third parties compete, rather, we need consensus and cooperation from them to decline to run for a seat if another is certainly more popular, more qualified and more likely to win. Otherwise, we are divided and will remain conquered. RIPAC seeks to implement online debates and voting options for our members across the U.S.A. to decide who we should choose to back when there is ever competition between third parties over seats.
We want all third parties to work together.
Even though there are major differences in ideologies, there are also major similarities and these similarities are what is most important. If we do not stop the split of third party votes, we will remain divided and the “divide and conquer” theme that has worked so well for the elites will continue to be the people’s downfall.
Progressive’s everywhere most particularly want to be part of something larger than the established political machine. They are going to try to infiltrate the democratic party but the democratic party has already infiltrated them. The best solution we have is that we encourage progressives to adopt the values of the original progressive movement that was hijacked by Democrats and simply be non-partisan and all about the ballot mechanisms of states to stop corporate and government abuses of power. We want to encourage "progressives" to adopt the integration of online quorum debate and ballot mechanism, otherwise, RIPAC intends to reclaim that title for the only true relevant meaning of that word so it represents what it originally intended.
Our goal is to unite progressives and libertarians behind one movement where we debate policy openly on block-chain quorums we will build out of and then have our candidates simply vote on policy based on what the people have deemed to be most in line with the constitution, natural law, facts and reason.
Nominations are a top tool to use in all the states to put our own candidates on the ballot, this is the standard model of the Republican form of government.
Join us and be part of the solution.
For more information on ballot referenda, visit:
This is a block-chain archive of the revolutionary content organized at
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Got it - essentially this entails flipping the system upside down - consumer driven policy rather than power grabbing elites. You would like one of the old greek systems whereby if qualified, you were in a sort of lottery for public service - it has pros/cons like every system.
I do fundamentally agree that democracy is not working (primarily because it is not democracy - it is pay-ocracy or corporation-ocracy).
'We the people' died many years ago - the US died, to me, upon JFK and Bay of Pigs - take your pick.
Your thinking is one of the reasons why I like listening to anarchists!
Enough .. I am rambling. Talk soon, I hope
Unlike the Greek system of direct democracy that ended in chaos, they didn't predicate theirs off of an existing nonnegotiable bill of rights. Theirs was not the true "limited direct democracy" that was limited to a constitution or bill of rights like us. They could vote away rights of people and create havok. I don't agree that "We the People" died, I think we think we died in general but new possibilities are available if we take action. Our rights have not disappeared. Just this year Marijuana was legalized in several states because of ballot initiatives for example. People are happier in states with ballot mechanisms and the voters are ready for a great change. I have debated many hard-core anarchists and had them concede that voting can have an impact if it's to take away power of the State to do harm. Now is the time for us to unite behind a solution that can and will work. Everything advocated by the organization I'm creating is backed by facts. There will be many blogs on those facts coming from this channel so stay tuned.
Mate, I look forward to it!
You will get used to my lobbing a few grenades around! I thoroughly enjoy a good debate and enjoy the process of learning something new every day.
I believe that anarchists are good for the debate because they stretch the thinking - extremism of all kinds has that ability. I had to unlearn a lot of 'givens' and as awkward as it was, it leaves me in a very open disposition to listen, as opposed to believe the last mantra.
By the way, could you give me a scope of what you develop? I believe in the railroad concept of blockchain as opposed to the gold mine and I have some thoughts around what can be achieved over the next 12-18 months.
This post below exemplifies much of what I'm working to develop. It's basically a project to open people's minds to using our ballot mechanisms and debating online using a system very much like what Steemit already has with its comments and replies that can all be up and down voted. The best thing you can do is to connect with me through google+ and gmail in particular for its business collaboration tools. I have a business plan involving a new crypto-currency that is 50 pages, valued at billions by year three, that should get people's attention. It's tied into this RIPAC project but it's independent as well. With a NDA I can share and we can talk more beyond what I have or will ever post in public. This is just to make sure my dream career isn't snaked by some other investors looking to do it without me. Connect through the social media links at the bottom of the post. Here is my "about us" post.
Interesting post, and very informative and comprehensive in its content.
Thank you, help and reshare it, please. This is just the beginning. When I get all the core content about the project up, I will repost short snippets and flood Steemit with philosophical quips about getting involved, less we live and die under tyranny unchecked by the true potential power of the people.